Wednesday, October 30, 2019

In each case below, identify the effect on the market for coal Essay

In each case below, identify the effect on the market for coal - Essay Example Equilibrium quantity supplied and demanded will increase from QE to QE*. Therefore, for the market to clear, a new, lower cost mining technic will lead to a lower equilibrium price and a higher equilibrium demand quantity for the coal market to clear An increase in wages paid to coal miner’s increases cost of mining and thus leads to an increase in cost of production. This is because raw materials’ cost will increase as a result of the high costs of wages to coal miners. When the cost of inputs increases due to increased wages, the process of production becomes more costly (McEachern, 2010, p. 51). The graph below shows how these dynamics affect the mining market. As shown in the graph above, an increase in the cost of production associated by increased wage cost to firms will result to a shift of the supply function from S to S*. Firms in the coal market will be willing supply relatively less quantities of coal at the previous price (PE). A shift of the supply function to the left leads to an increase in the equilibrium price from PE to PE*. Equilibrium quantity supplied and demanded will decrease from QE to QE*. Therefore, for the market to clear, increase in wages paid to coal miners will lead to a higher equilibrium price and a lower equilibrium demand quantity for the coal market to clear (Mansfield, 1979, p. 29). An imposition of a $2 per ton tax on coal results to heavier costs burdens to producers of coal. Due to rational self-interest, the producers will try to shift this burden to consumers of coal (Krugman & Wells, 2010, p. 52). This is done by increasing the price by $2 for every tone sold. The effect of this tax can be shown in the graph below. Before implementation of the tax, the equilibrium supply curve was S. After the implementation of the tax, the new supply curve becomes St increasing the price from P to Pt. However, the producer receives Pt’. The amount of tax

Monday, October 28, 2019

Biofuels And Bioenergy

Biofuels And Bioenergy Introduction The use of fossil fuel as a source of energy has aided the development of the human race for many years. This technology has allowed for many benefits such as electricity, transportation, manufacturing machinery etc. The world is faced with the complex economic and environmental issues associated with energy use that must be addressed if we are to maintain and improve our lifestyle. Our economy depends on low cost energy. The idea of renewable energy has been around for quite some time but did not receive much attention mainly due to lower oil prices over half a century ago. However the time has now come when it can no longer be ignored as we enter a new level of consciousness about our fuel consumption and the lack of fossil fuels we have including awareness about the impact on the environment[i]. The pressure to have cheaper alternative energy has become more important especially at a time where we are facing a global recession. As pressing as these economic issues become, we are also faced with even greater environmental consequences if we do not change our energy use patterns. Looming in the background of everything is the mounting concern of carbon dioxide (CO2) build up and other so called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap the heat that usually radiates from the earth, and cause global climate change[ii]. Therefore clearly, developing alternatives to fuel should be one of the highest priorities of many nations. With record oil prices, the future of Biofuels made from biomass is of keen interest to the world. The global production of Biofuels has increased from 4.8 billion gallons in the year 2000 to about 16.0 billion in the year 2007, but this still accounts for less than 3 percent of the global transportation fuel supply[iii]. This literature reviews the technology of biofuels, their production, usage and impact on a global scale. What are Biofuels? A biofuel can be defined as fuel derived from biomass which is found in many living biological material. Living organisms and their metabolic byproducts such as manure have been successfully used as biomasses. Biomethane, Bioethanol, Biodiesel Biobutanol These fuels can be burnt to produce heat and power, used to run vehicles (Brazil has the highest proportion of road vehicles designed to run on biofuels which peaked at 90% in the 1980s) or powering fuel cells. The content by volume of a biofuel is a minimum of 80% biomass products. Biomass is a form of stored energy just like coal of petrol. The main advantage of biofuels compared with most other traditional fuel types is that this is a biodegradable technology, therefore it is comparatively harmless to the environment. A large amount of biofuels come from specifically grown agricultural crops such as sugar cane and corn. Another useful source is biodegradable by-products that come from industries, households and forestry e.g. timber and rice which can also be used to generate biofuel. There is a growing interest in the field renewable energy technology. And this has resulted in research currently being carried out on projects such as the large scale utilization of micro algae as an energy source. Brief History of Biofuels The initial use of biofuels was in the early days of the automobile industry. A German inventor known as Nikolaus August Otto came through with his invention of running the combustion engine using ethanol. Another historic invention was the powering of diesel engines using peanut oil was by Rudolf Diesel, the German inventor. But unfortunately however in the 19th century when crude oil became cheaper, cars began using fuels from oil which has led to where we are now. There is an increasingly importance in the use of biofuels as a replacement, now being considered by many countries such as the United Stated, by 2025 aim to replace 75% of the oil coming from the Middle East. Over the last century, the world has become accustomed to petroleum based transportation fuels, lubricants and other useful products derived from fossil fuels. However the recent oil prices have been escalating ever since the 1970s fuel crisis and the global climate has changing drastically. Perhaps the time has come to learn a lesson from history and adopt the idea of biofuels for the benefit of the living to save the planet instead of taking the easiest and cheapest way out, saving the planet for the next generations to come. Case Studies and practices of Biofuels We will now look at a few case studies where Biofuels have been successfully used and utilized. Case Study 1 A Lesson from Brazil The worlds second largest ethanol program is based in Brazil and they are capitalizing on bountiful soybean supplies to spread out into biodiesel. About 20 percent of the countrys fuel supply is obtained from the nations sugarcane crop which is processed into ethanol. Brazils policy program was changed to encourage the nations energy independence and creating a substitute value added market for sugar producers. The following was set off in the 1970s right after the famous OPEC oil embargo. Sugarcane producer have been well supported by the government which has spent billions to develop distilleries, build infrastructure and promote the production of pure ethanol and other transport fuels[iv]. It was shown that while the costs were high, this program benefited by saving far more in foreign exchange from the resulting reduced petroleum imports. Brazil in the mid to late 1990s pursed a less intrusive move towards the elimination of direct subsidies and price settings for ethanol with two main elements. Which were a blending requirement (which is now about 25%) and tax incentives favouring the use of ethanol and its purchase for flex-fuel vehicles. Today 80 percent automobiles produced in Brazil have flexible fuel capability[vi], up from 30 percent in 2004. Ethanol is widely available to consumers at nearly all of Brazils 32,000 gas stations; the consumers primarily have the choice between a 100-percent hydrous ethanol and a 25-percent ethanol-gasoline blend on the basis of relative prices[vii]. Roughly 20 percent of current fuel use in Brazil is ethanol, but it will be challenging to raise the share as Brazils fuel demands keep growing with the rest of the worldou. Brazil is a middle-income economy having a per capita energy consumption which is only 15 percent that of the United States and Canada. Unfortunately, the current biofuel production levels in Brazil are not much superior than they were in the late 1990s due to the limitations by the economy and environmentalist. Biofuels have however, come under serious attack recently saying that it is eating into farmlands meant for food production. And as a result last year the European Union backed out from a commitment which would introduce a 10 percent compulsory quota of biofuels in all transportation by 2020[viii]. While admitting that â€Å"biofuels are no silver bullet,† the authorities in Brazil understand and insist that biofuels are the best way forward for developing countries[ix]. A large expansion in ethanol production is underway in the United States, spurred by high oil prices and energy policies The production of ethanol is the U.S climbed to almost 5 billion gallons[x] in 2006, up nearly 1 billion gallons from 2005. Regardless of the speed and degree of this increase, the industry has stepped up the speed of expansion, with production expected go as high as 10 billion gallons by 2009[xi]. Market conditions and policy factors are fueling the rising interest in ethanol. A rapid run-up of oil prices over the past several years has combined with provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and already existing Federal and State biofuel programs to provide economic incentives for an expansion of U.S. ethanol production. This increase in prices reflects rising global demand for crude oil resulting from strong world economic growth, including rapid manufacturing gains in China and India. Further growth in global economic activity will continue to drive up world demand for oil, particularly in highly energy-dependent economies in Asia. Although the increase in demand is likely to be partly offset by future oil discoveries, more new technologies for discovery and extracting oil, and constant expansion and enhancement in renewable energy, the oil prices are expected to remain high by historical standards. As a result of these strong incentives, the ethanol production capacity has increased over the last year as more production plants have been built or are under construction. Once the constructions of the new plants are complete according to the Renewable Fuel Program of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 renewable fuel use should reach 7.5 billion gallons by year 2012[xii]. The vast expansion in biofuels production and use mandated by EISA will require the development of new methods and equipment to collect, store, and pre-process biomass in a manner acceptable to biorefineries. These activities, which constitute as much as 20% of the current cost of finished cellulosic ethanol, are comprised of four main elements: Harvesters collectors that remove feedstocks from cropland and out of forests. Storage facilities that support a steady supply of biomass to the biorefi nery, in a manner that prevents material spoilage. Preprocessing/grinding equipment that transform feedstocks to the proper moisture content, bulk density, viscosity, and quality. Transportation of feedstocks from the field to the biorefinery. Case Study 3 Biofuels in Senegal JATROPHA PROGRAM It all started in India when Jatropha Carcus-â€Å"Honduras† were carried in by Portuguese sailors a few hundred years ago. They were planted around other valuable plantations as a fence because animals and insects were repelled away from it. Meanwhile, Indian farmers found out that the nut contained oil which they used in their oil lamps. Over the years, these farmers bred the plant to have higher oil content as high as 40-50%. India has always been interested to produce biofuels however it had to come from non-food crops. The Biodiesel produced required certain characteristics for example it had to come from non-food crops and grown in non-prime agricultural land. Jatropha fulfilled these requirements as it is resistant to droughts, requiring minimum use of pesticides and fertilizers. Jatropha plants are very hardy and grow very fast producing seeds for extraction within a few months. The main objective of the program is to ensure Senegals self-sufficiency in biodiesel by 2012 with the production of 1 190 000 000 litres of crude Jatropha oil. This production will represent 1 134 000 000 litres of refined oil which can be used as biodiesel for vehicles as well as to generate power[xiii]. It is also the aim of the program to accelerate the modernisation of the agricultural sector, to create 100,000 direct employment opportunities for the local population particularly in the rural areas where the cultivation of jatropha will be mostly undertaken. The successful implementation of the jatropha program will ensure the diversification of the cultivation of cash crops, reduce the energy bill of households in the country as well as its heavy dependence on imported energy and improve the countrys international trade and balance of payment. Moreover, the program will contribute towards the reduction of environmental pollution caused by vehicle engines; and will also help alleviate poverty and inequality between rural and urban areas. BIOFUEL PRODUCTION TYPES SOURCES Biofuels can be classified in two ways, firstly by the state at which the fuel exists in their natural form which are mainly gas, liquid or solid. And secondly by the sources they have been produced from and the technology used to produce them. In this literature review, biofuels have been classified according the second way. FIRST GENERATION (food crops) First generation biofuels are derived from food crops such as starch, sugar and vegetable oil using conventional techniques discussed later on. Several types of first generation biofuels are discussed briefly below. Biodiesel Biodiesel is probably the most common and most popular type of biofuel in the world because it also is the easiest to produce from ordinary vegetable oil. Biodiesel is produced very simply by combining any type of oil or biomass with methanol and sodium hydroxide[xiv]. It can be used on any diesel engine without any changes to it by mixing with mineral diesel as was described earlier in the â€Å"History of Biofuels† section. Vegetable oil These kinds of oil can be either used for cooking purpose or even as fuel. The main fact that determines the usage of this oil is the quality. The oil with good quality is generally used for cooking purpose. Vegetable oil can even be used in most of the old diesel engines, but only in warm atmosphere. In most of the countries, vegetable oil is mainly used for the production of biodiesel. There has a been great interest shown by European countries and the USA, the graphs below show a rising trend of biodiesel production is USA and many countries of Europe. Biogas Syngas Biogas is produced from organic materials by anaerobic digestion. Waste materials which are biodegradable can also produce biogas if they are fed into anaerobic digesters[xv]. The resulting biomass can be used as fertiliser for agricultural usage. Biogas is rich in methane gas which can be recovered and used as burning fuel. Methane gas is also produced by the natural decay of garbage dumps over time. Another process to produce Syngas or biosyngas is by gasification of biomass into carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Hydrogen can be recovered from syngas or the syngas can be converted to diesel fuel using Fischer-Tropsch process[xvi]. Bioalcohols (bioethanol) Enzymes and micro-organisms are used to produce alcohols through the process of fermentation of starches and sugar[xvii]. Ethanol being the most common of those bioalcohol as in bioethanol produced from sugar cane in Brazil. A significant amount of ethanol is also produced from sugar beets and corn by fermentation in other parts of the world. SECOND GENERATION (non food crops) Second generation of biofuels had been developed to use biomass left from the non-food parts of current crops such as stems, leaves and husks left behind after the important parts of the crop has been taken. It also includes biomass from non food crops such as Jatropha plant (which are toxic), switch grass and industrial waste such as wood chips, skin and pulp from fruit pressings. This generation of biofuels is not cost competitive with existing fossil fuels, do not threaten food supplies and biodiversity[xviii]. THIRD GENERATION (agriculture) Third generation biofuels is obtained from algae and this is also called advanced biofuel. Algae is easy to grow and it is a high-yielding feedstock for the production of biofuel as it produces 30 times more energy per acre of land than traditional crops such as corn or soybean[xix]. They are biodegradable so it is environmentally friendly. Similar to obtaining the oil from vegetation, algae contains almost 40-50% oil which is squeezed out and the remaining biomass can be used as fertilizer or high protein animal feed. The oil from algae can be converted to biodiesel. FOURTH GENERATION (biodiesel to gasoline) Last but not least is fourth generation biofuels which is still undergoing research at the highest levels. The main aim is to convert biodiesel into gasoline similar to the one obtained from petroleum but it will be much cleaner with less harmful emissions. This is similar to how natural gas or methane is converted to petrol. However there is much more study required in this part and will probably not be available in 10-20 years time. First generation feedstocks include corn for ethanol and soybeans for biodiesel. These feedstocks are currently in use and their yields have been increasing. Second generation feedstocks consist of the residues or â€Å"left-overs† from crop and forest harvests. They show much promise for near-term adoption with the development of cellulosic conversion technologies. Third generation feedstocks are crops whichrequire further RD to commercialize, such as perennial grasses, fast growing trees, and algae. They are designed exclusively for fuels production and are commonly referred to as â€Å"energy crops†. They represent a key long-term component to a sustainable biofuels industry[xx]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Charles E. Wyman (1996) Handbook on Bioethanol Production and Utilization, Taylor Francis Publishers, pg 1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 1990. J.T. Houghton, G.J.Jenkins, and J.J. Ephraums, eds. â€Å"Climate Change-the IPCC Scientific Assessment,† Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Amber Waves, November 2007, Volume 5, Issue 5, William Coyle â€Å"The Future of Biofuels A Global Perspective. Amber Waves, November 2007, Volume 5, Issue 5, William Coyle â€Å"The Future of Biofuels A Global Perspective. Market Research Analyst, â€Å"Worlds Ethanol Production Forecast 2008 2012† Flex-fuel Vehicles inBrazil: Amber Waves, November 2007, Volume 5, Issue 5, William Coyle â€Å"The Future of Biofuels A Global Perspective. CLIMATE CHANGE: â€Å"Brazil Defends Biofuels†, Claudia Ciobanu, CLIMATE CHANGE: â€Å"Brazil Defends Biofuels†, Claudia Ciobanu, Green Car Congress, â€Å"Energy, Technologies, Issues and Policies for Sustainable mobility†: Amber Waves, September 2007, Volume 5, Issue 5, Paul. C. Westcot â€Å"U.S. Ethanol Expansion Driving Changes Throughout the agriculture sector.† Shurson, Jerry, Mindy Spiehs, Jennifer Wilson, and Mark Whitney. â€Å"Value and use of ‘new generation distillers dried grains with solubles in swine diets,† Alltechs 19th International Feed Industry Symposium Proceedings, May 2003. Ministry of Agriculture, New orientation for the Agriculture Sector Policy, REVA Plan, Special Biofuels Program, March 2007, â€Å"Biofuels in Senegal Jatropha Program 2007-2009.† Biofuel Organisation: Biofuel Organisation: Lee S., Lee L., Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing, CRC Press (2005), â€Å"Biofuels and Bioenergy† pp123 Biofuel Organisation: News Article: Next generation of biofuels; Washington Post News Article; United States Department of Agriculture, â€Å"National Biofuels Action Plan†, September 2008, Board Action Area 2: Feedstock production pg 5.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Snap Shot of a Dog Essay -- English Literature Essays

Snap Shot of a Dog James Thurber is a famous and popular American writer and artist. His humorous prose and drawing are never gay because the enthusiasm is dampened by melancholy. His fantastic characters are mostly animals whose balance of life is distorted and disturbed by a malignant fate. ‘Snap Shot of a Dog’ is taken from THE THURBER CARNIVAL which contains his most impressive work. Many of his writings and drawings deal with dogs. He understands them and he has the gist of being able to communicate his understanding to the reader. This piece is typical of Thurber. It is both humorous and serious as his writings usually are. The story flows along easily and smoothly and the reader has the impression that the writer is talking to him. The writer looks upon the dog sympathetically and at times affectionately. Rex was the name of the author’s pet dog. He was no doubt a dog of his own type who was fond of adventures. This account is as such written objectively. The dog has been dead long ago. The memory of the dog is still fresh in the mind of writer when he wrote this story. Rex was a bull terrier. He has a strong built. Indeed he was a beauty. The writer and his two brothers loved it dearly. He was a faithful dog and carried out all the orders of his maters. There was nothing impossible in his world. The writer describes certain qualities of his pet. Though he was strong and pugnacious yet he never started the fight. He had a gentle nature. He never bit anybo...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rescue at Sea Essay

Although it’s been almost two years now, I can still remember that day as if it were yesterday. We were all glued in front of the television, when dad came rushing into the house after work to tell us that he had just bought a new cabin cruiser. He promised us that the following week he’d take us all on a fishing trip. We were all very excited and happy at the prospect of it. I spent the next few days daydreaming about how wonderful it would be. When the much-awaited day finally came, and dad drove us to the yacht marina, I was awe-struck by the sheer beauty of the boat, shimmering in that hot sunny August morning. After we packed everything onto the boat, dad started the engine and steered it slowly out of the harbour. We headed out until we were a good distance from the shore. Then, when we found what seemed like a good spot for fishing, dad stopped the engine and lowered the anchor. The sky was crystal clear and the sea was as calm as a sheet of glass. We spent a good couple of hours basking in the sun, fishing rods in hand, without a care in the world. It was fantastic just being there, staring out at the beautiful blue sea. After we had caught a good number of fish, it was time to eat. Mum had prepared some delicious sandwiches and, famished as we were, we didn’t need much convincing – we sank our teeth into the food like hungry predators and gobbled up the whole lot in a matter of seconds. We must have lost track of time, chatting and laughing, because the next thing I remember is being plunged into a darkness so thick one could almost cut it with a knife. Looking around, it was all pitch black, as if someone had thrown a drape over us. Then, out of nowhere, a big wave came crushing into the boat, nearly toppling us all overboard. If that wasn’t bad enough, we could hear the ominous rumbling of thunder in the distance – it was unbelievable how the weather had changed so quickly before our very own eyes. The storm was creeping up on us fast and it wasn’t long before all hell broke loose and the rain started to come down in showers. It was like a sheet of water coming down over us, drenching us to the bone/skin. The rain was so dense and heavy that we could barely breathe. Dad immediately rushed to start the engine but it would not start. He tried and tried, but it was all in vain – the engine was dead. For that split  second it took us to realise what was going on, we all just stared at each other without saying a word. The panic-stricken look on our face said it all – we were stranded/left high and dry in the middle of nowhere! We were scared out of our wits. Mum was as white as a ghost. To make matters worse, without the engine, we were at the mercy of the sea. The waves were getting higher and the boat was taking in water, fast. Then, when we had given up all hope and thought we were doomed, we started to hear what seemed like the sound of a helicopter approaching. At first the sound was very faint and barely noticeable over the sound of the torrential rain and howling wind, but it kept growing stronger and stronger until, one by one, we all realised what it meant – our prayers were answered and we were going to be safe after all! That thought gave us courage, and we started to yell at the top of our voices and to wave, torches in hand, with all our might. Luckily it didn’t take long for the rescue team to spot us. They manoeuvred the helicopter a few feet above our heads and lowered down the rope-ladder, from which we could all climb to safety. It wasn’t a minute too soon however, because as we peered down into the darkness, we saw our boat capsize and could only get a final glimpse of it, before the hull got completely engulfed by the raging sea. The return trip was as silent as it was miserable. No words could express the way we felt. From the look in our eyes it was evident that we were both relieved and shocked at the same time. After that traumatic experience I promised myself I would never step on a boat again. The picture of the angry sea trying to pull us down still haunts my dreams at night. At times the images are so vivid that I wake up in the middle of the night, feeling all sweaty and gasping for air.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sop for Mba

Biomedical Technology | Born and raised in India but now living in Chicago, I am a young man who is deeply engaged with the crossover between biochemical and biomedical research, on the one hand, and business realities on the other. My long term goal is to become an independent researcher with my own business in the area of biochemistry and biochemical research. I feel that I have already distinguished myself as a physical scientist, and now I seek the other leg upon which my long term goal is based.I especially look forward to studying in the GSB in the areas of marketing and finance as well as social responsibility and progressive political agendas in the business world. I completed my undergraduate and Master’s level studies in my native India. Then I came to XXXX University where I completed my Ph. D. in Chemistry in December of 2005. This, of course, is the single strongest aspect of my application because of the utility of this terminal scientific degree for the business world, staying abreast of the business aspects of scientific developments in chemistry and micro- biology.I am also very pleased to have received the Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award in March, 2005, based on evaluations by an interdepartmental committee of faculty members. I have authored two research papers coming out of my doctoral dissertation in 2006 that were published in the journal Biochemistry. I am the first author of both articles. Currently, I have the privilege of serving as a post doctoral research associate in the Hematology/Oncology Division of the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago.I am also pursuing research on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and expect to receive funding from a private funding agency by next year. Two manuscripts from my postdoctoral work are in the pipeline. I will be the first author on one of the two papers. I am industrious and intelligent, with a sound educational background and a GPA of 3. 82. In fact, I am tenaciou s, and capable of a career that offers great challenges. I feel strongly that Loyola is the best place to prepare myself for making the greatest possible contribution to society through the promotion of biomedical research.With my own company my dream is to develop a specific concentration on only the most clinically relevant research. There are various reasons why XXXX’s GSB is my first choice. Most basically, I live in Chicago and I also like the flexibility of your program, but it goes far beyond that. I would feel especially privileged to become associated with your programs emphasis on the importance of values-based decision-making since business ethics and social responsibility stand at the center of my research curiosity.Nowhere, of course, is the need for social responsibility any greater than in the area of biochemistry. Your GSB Program will provide me with the solid foundation that I will need to someday manage my own business and to integrate business disciplines in increasingly creative ways that allow me to give full vent to my inspiration. I also identify with XXXX’s GSB in the focus on business issues in a global context. I ask for you help in becoming one of the highly responsible and morally sound business leaders of tomorrow in the field of biochemistry. I want to thank you for consideration of my application.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Kates taming Essays

Kates taming Essays Kates taming Essay Kates taming Essay Essay Topic: The Taming Of the Shrew Baptista and others then return. how speed you with my daughter? asks Baptista, L.272-273. Petruchio lies and says, How but well, sir? How but well? It were impossible I should speed amiss.  Katherina is furious! She calls Petruchio a one half lunatic, a mad-cap ruffian and a swearing Jack that thinks with oaths to face the matter out. (L.280-281)  Petruchio once again lies and claims Kate is putting it on and says that because they got on so well, they have agreed to marry on Sunday.  Ill see thee hangd on Sunday first! (L.291) Says Kate. Gremio and Tranio begin to doubt Petruchio but then he gives a long speech about how much she loves him.  I tell you, tis incredible to believe how much she loves me-O the kindest Kate! She hung about my neck, and kiss on kiss she vied so fast, protesting oath on oath, that in a twink she won me to her love. (L.298-302)  Baptista is absolutely thrilled! Kate doesnt say anything though. This seems to be a turning point for Kate. She doesnt argue with Petruchio or deny what he has said, nor does she threaten or insult him. Her silence at the end of this scene is remarkable. Kate has been fiery and bad-tempered throughout the play but now Petruchio and her father are forcing marriage upon her and yet she remains silent! Maybe she does in fact like Petruchio? Or maybe she is so shocked that someone actually wants to marry her? Either way this is a big change in the Kate we are used to. Act 3, Scene 2 is the scene of the wedding. Theres a problem though someone is missing. Oddly enough it isnt Kateits Petruchio! Kate is extremely upset and embarrassed by his failure to show.  No shame but mine. I must, forsooth, be forcd to give my hand, opposd against my heart, unto a mad-brain rudesbyI told you, I, he was a frantic fool! (L.8-12)  Kate is once again speaking her feelings. She claims that she is being forced to marry him but she did not object or argue with Petruchio to what he was saying in the previous act. Kate then exits the scene weeping.  Go, girl. I cannot blame thee now to weep, for such an injury would vex a very saint, much more a shrew of thy impatient humour. (L.27-32) Says Baptista. This is the first time in the whole play that Baptista has been sympathetic about Katherina. After a long time of waiting Petruchio finally arrives. Kate and Baptista are horrified and completely humiliated Petruchio is drunk and dressed in an old shabby outfit. It would have been better if he hadnt turned up at all.  To me shes married, not unto my clothes. Says Petruchio, L.111. This is true but obviously he has a reason for dressing the way he has. In my opinion this is the beginning of his plan to tame her. By embarrassing her in front of everyone it shows he is the one who is in charge, not her. Gremio then describes the wedding to us. Surprisingly he claims that Kate is a lamb, a dove, a fool (L.151) compared to Petruchio. Gremios feelings have obviously changed since the first act when it was him who referred to her as a devil.  We then move onto the wedding feast. Petruchio tells everyone that him and his new wife wont be able to stay as he is in a hurry to return home. Kate doesnt like this though. She entreats him to stay and says, L.199, Now, if you love me, stay. She blackmails him. Surprisingly she doesnt hit him or insult him. When Petruchio still insists on going and ignores her, she gets angry.  Nay then, do what thou canst, I will not go today! No, nor tomorrownot till I please myself! (L.200-2003) Shes gone back to her fiery usual self.  Kate is showing self-control and that she is in charge, not Petruchio. In the end he drags her off anyway, kicking and screaming.  The next scene (Act four, scene one) is set at Petruchios house. Kate is miserable and in a state. She fell of her house on the way to the house and is soaking wet and muddy. Petruchios servants have cooked him and his new wife a meal. This is where the beginning of Kates taming really begins.  Petruchio starts to yell and complains that all the food is burnt. He then begins throwing the food and dishes at his servants and insulting them. This is where we see a big change in Kate.  I pray you, husband, be not so disquiet. The meat was well, if you were so contented. (L.150-151) Kate is defending the servants and being polite/calm. She isnt being fiery and bad-tempered. Petruchios taming has barely begun and she already seems to be softening.  Petruchio then gives a long speech to himself, talking about more ways to tame Kate.  In Scene 3 Kate talks to Gremio about how she is feeling, L.1-16. She realises that the greater the wrong done to her, the worse his temper grows. Maybe she is beginning to see he is trying to tame her?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Albert Einstein Enlightened The World With His Innovation †Physics Research Paper

Albert Einstein Enlightened The World With His Innovation – Physics Research Paper Free Online Research Papers Albert Einstein Enlightened The World With His Innovation Physics Research Paper Albert Einstein, a brilliant scientist, enlightened the world with his innovative ideas. Even though he didn’t get good grades in school, he still became one of the greatest scientific minds in history. Since he invented so many new theories and ideas, he revolutionized the world of science. Albert Einstein moved quite a bit when he was young. On March 14, 1879 Albert Einstein was born, and a year later he moved to Munich, Germany (â€Å"Einstein, Albert†). At seven years old Einstein started school in Munich, Germany. Before he went to school he got religious lessons at home in which he learned Judaism (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† www.groups.dcs). Then in 1895 Albert’s father’s, business failed and the Einstein’s moved to Milan, Italy. Einstein, still in his teenage years, stayed behind to finish his schooling, but he got expelled and had to go back with his family. When Albert was older he moved to Switzerland and got citizenship there. He was hoping to be an electrical engineer at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Unfortunately he failed the examination test (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† www.groups.dcs). While Einstein was at the Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich, Germany he hated it. The German spirit that was there and their strict discipline policy disgusted Albert. He studied the Bible at home, but he lost interest in religion when he found that he liked science and math better (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† Einstein played the violin from ages six to thirteen (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† www.groups.dcs). Young Albert hated practicing just like anyone else, but he soon found a good reason for playing scales and exercises. It was found in the work of Mozart. Albert loved his music and wanted to be able play his music (Oldfield 3). When Einstein was young he didn’t like sports and he didn’t play with the other boys. Instead he put together jigsaw puzzles, built card towers, played with mechanical toys, and studied nature. He loved to learn and was fascinated by science and math. One time when Albert was sick in bed his father gave him a compass. The young boy asked, â€Å"Why does the needle point north?† Hermann, his father, didn’t know the answer even though he was a well-educated adult (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† Albert asked many questions and deliberately talked slowly because he always stopped think. Because he was so different his governess nicknamed him â€Å"Pater Langweil† which means father bore (Oldfield 2). Both sides of Einstein’s family had lived in Germany for more than a century. Einstein’s father was Hermann Einstein. He had a black mustache and was calm and friendly. Pauline Koch was Albert’s mother. The Koch’s and the Einstein’s usually made money by selling cloth, farming, and clerking in banks. For fun they would go boating down the Danube river and walk in the woods. Albert Einstein’s family had great musical talent. Pauline, Einstein’s mother, was an excellent pianist and loved to play Beethoven’s piano sonatas. Albert’s younger sister, Maja, was born when Albert was two years old (Oldfield 3). Having a strong physical resemblance and a great deal in common, Albert and Maja were close throughout their lives. Maja also played the piano very well and probably played duets with Albert. When Maja was older she married a man by the name of Paul Winterler. Jakob was Einstein’s brother, but little is known about him (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† The family physician’s brother, Max Talmey, was a close family friend. Often he would come and eat dinner with the Einstein’s. One day Mr. Talmey introduced Albert to the People’s Books on Natural Science. Einstein loved the books and as he read and studied them, he learned more about the world around him. Albert also had an uncle who taught him the basics of Algebra and his teaching methods helped Albert learn quickly and thoroughly (Oldfield 3). In the early 1900’s Einstein started his own family. Einstein married his university sweetheart Mileva Maric who was a mathematician. The family consisting of Einstein, Mileva, his sons Eduard, and Hans Albert moved to Berlin in 1914. Mileva wasn’t happy with life in Berlin and moved to Switzerland. Due to the separation, Mileva and Albert got a divorce. After the divorce Einstein lived with his great uncle and later married his second cousin Elsa Lowenthal (â€Å"Einstein, Albert†). When he married his second cousin his Jewish roots were renewed. He became a supporter of Zionism and because anti-Semitism was getting bigger in Germany, Einstein became a large target for prejudice. Rumors were even being spread about groups plotting to kill Albert (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† Around the early 1920’s Albert received the Nobel Prize of Physics. Einstein gave his ex-wife Mileva the $45,000 prize money to help support her. His oldest son, Hans Albert, liked his father and thought he was a good man. Hans Albert saw his father quite a bit and enjoyed his company. Eduard, his youngest son, began reading Shakespeare at age 5. He lived with his mother, Mileva until she died (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† Due to all the studying and research he had done, Albert Einstein was a master Physicist. One of the biggest things he came up with was the Theory of Relativity. He got many awards for it and it was probably his greatest accomplishment. The theory says that the laws of physics had to have the same form in every place they were. It also said that the speed of light was the same everywhere. In it he also proposed that mass and energy were equal. In 1919 the British started studying solar eclipses and what they found confirmed the Theory of Relativity. A newspaper called The London Times ran a headline that read, â€Å"Revolution in science-New Theory of the Universe-Newtonian ideas overthrown.† They were just one of the many newspapers that put Einstein’s theory on their front page (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† www.groups.dcs). Einstein’s Theory of Relativity didn’t earn him the Nobel Prize. The committee over the Nobel Prize didn’t mention anything about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, but said, â€Å"For your photoelectric law and your work in the field of theoretical physics† (â€Å"Einstein, Albert†). Even though he’d earned the prize he wasn’t around to receive it because he was in Japan. He also earned the Copey Medal of the Royal Society in 1925 and the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1926 (â€Å"Albert Einstein,† www.groups.dcs). Although Albert Einstein didn’t play a direct role in the making of the Atomic Bomb, his formula, E=mc2, set the course for it. Einstein was a pacifist and didn’t like war. When he heard that the bomb was going to be used against Japan he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt, begging him not to use it. The President ignored him and the bomb was dropped. After the war had ended Einstein said, â€Å"The war is won, but the peace is not,† (Albert Einstein Albert Einstein died, due to natural causes, on April 18, 1955 when he was 76 years old (Einstein, Albert). Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist who enlightened the world with his many new ideas. Einstein is one of the most brilliant men in the history of the Earth. He was a good person and didn’t approve of violence or war. His theories, ideas, and formulas have had an awesome affect on mankind. Research Papers on Albert Einstein Enlightened The World With His Innovation - Physics Research PaperBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Hip-Hop is ArtAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTrailblazing by Eric AndersonWhere Wild and West MeetStandardized TestingThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseResearch Process Part One

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Get this new symbol and youll pay for it - Emphasis

Get this new symbol and youll pay for it Get this new symbol and youll pay for it If you have an aversion to emoticons and their ilk, you may want to look away now. Introducing an entirely new symbol to express heavy-handedly what your words apparently cant: ladies and gentlemen, the Sarcmark. As you might already have guessed, it can be handily popped at the end of a sentence to signify when youre being sarcastic. Actually, its probably meant to be an indicator of irony, but presumably the Iromark didnt have quite the same commercial appeal. Thats right: youll have to pay to use it. Its makers, Sarcasm Inc, will charge you a mere 1.20 for the privilege. So will we be downloading it? Of course. (Darn, now we need one. The irony!) Ok, sometimes the lack of tone in email can be a problem. But sarcasms a tricky one to pull off at the best of times, particularly in business dealings. Insert one of these and you run the risk of either offending your reader for using sarcasm at all, or by assuming theyre too dim-witted to recognise it if they see it.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Difference in the Use of Language between the Young and the Old Research Proposal

The Difference in the Use of Language between the Young and the Old Generation - Research Proposal Example It is evident that the old generation tends to differ with the young generation in their use of language when they speak. This topic is necessary in the study of language as it illustrates how the language barrier tends to affect communication between the young generation and the old generation (Cissna & Keating, 2007). The purpose of the study This study will focus on the difference in the use of language between the young and the old generation. The difference in language use between the young generation and the old generation arises from factors such as; difference in perspectives between the two generations. The other factor is the difference in the topics that are normally discussed by people belonging to the two generations, and stereotypes also contribute to this difference in language use between the young and the old generation. It is evident that the taboos that people of the old generation were exposed to influence their use of language; they are normally formal in their u se of language (Fletcher, 2007). Stereotypes also influence the difference in the use of language between the young generation and the old generation in that; the perceptions of people belonging to the young generation towards people belonging to the old generation results to a difference in the use of language between the two generations. ... These expectations, therefore, influence the difference language between the two generations (Gibb, 2008). The other factor that results to a variance in the use of language amid the young generation and the old generation is the generational perspective. In this instance, it is evident that people who lived during World War 2 and the Great depression, tend to be formal in their use of language, this is because of the belief instilled in them that the use of language contributes to respect. However, there is a generation referred to as the Baby Boomers who tend to exhibit a communication style that tends to be more personal. The other generation is generation X that exhibits little formality in their use of language. Therefore, it is true to state that the generational perspective also influences the difference in language use between the two generations (Hayes, 2003). The change in technology, which led to, the introduction of computers, phones and social media have also led to a di fference in language use between the young and the old generation. The change in technology has normally led to a generational communication style, which has also affected the language of persons belonging to the young generation. Technology has contributed to the use of slang by people of the young generation, resulting to variation in the language used by people of the old generation that tends to be restrained and formal (Day, 2007). However, the difference in the use of language between the old and the young generation has also been accompanied by some advantages. It is believed that the difference in the use of language tends to bridge the gap between the two generations. It is evident that for there to be a difference between these two generations, it is essential that a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Technical Proposal Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Technical Proposal Paper - Essay Example In fact, the computers on a network are linked through telephone lines, cables, radio waves (wireless technology), or infrared light beams. In addition, a computer network is also acknowledged as simply an information network or simply net. In this scenario, the Internet is the most popular information network. It distributes data and information between internet users. Additionally, a computer network uses any network operating system that is responsible for managing and co-coordinating the operations of computers that are connected to the network. Some of the well known examples of these operating systems are: Windows NT, Linux, Unix etc. (Nash, 2000; Tanenbaum, 2002; Turban et al., 2005). This project proposal presents the specification of a new network technology based system that will allow data sharing and communication for the effective management of the corporate areas. This proposal is based on the given scenario. Our business is a small architectural business with different working teams. For superior interaction and communication we need to establish a computer network that can offer an excellent support for working remotely as well as communicate with business headquarters. 2- Background As discussed above, we have a small architectural business, with a Chief Executive, Finance Director and Sales Director. Apart from the mentioned hierarchy there are four architects, two administrative staff members and two architectural engineers. In this scenario, architects and engineers could be working at remote locations and would need communication facilities. Regarding this situation, we need a corporate network that can offer an excellent support for managing and coordinating tasks. In addition to this, it could be a web based network or system that can offer the capability to communicate and collaborate effectively. 3- Proposed Solution A new â€Å"network arrangement† will be established that will offer the facility to communicate effectively with business staff, share resources, data and facts remotely. In addition, this network will be supported by the Internet and can make use of workstations, network server and handheld PDAs for the establishment of overall communication of our business. 4- Office Plan In order to establish a network on the basis of the above given set-up, we need a more flexible network arrangement that would be able to support every area of our business and offer a capability for mutual sharing and handling of corporate resources. 4.1- Requirements for the Network In this setting the main requirements for the new network technology implementation are as follows: The established network must offer the means to communicate effectively The established network must offer an effective data sharing environment The established network must offer the secure data access points The established network must offer an excellent communication facility The established network must offer the remote access to network Th e established n

Application of E-Business in Saudi Arabia Research Paper

Application of E-Business in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example Factors that affect the adoption of the technology in Saudi Arabia include the financial position of the business, the nature or characteristics of the business organization and the employees’ acceptance and perception of e-business. Some of the recommendations for the research are that the governments should use standardized methods to implement ICT projects. Regular training and empowerment workshops should be conducted to ensure that there is no resistance to change. Table of Contents Application of E-Business in Saudi Arabia 1 Running head: E-BUSINESS 1 1 Abstract 1 E-Business 5 Rationale 5 Project Topics 6 Research Methods 7 Expected Findings and Implications 7 Annotated Bibliography 8 Introduction 12 Rationale 13 Specific Topic 13 Research Purpose 14 Hypotheses 14 Literature Review 14 History and Background 14 Exceptions 15 Solutions 16 Discussion 17 Barriers to E-Business 17 Motivators to Commerce 18 Methodology 19 Research Purpose 19 Data Collection Method 19 Survey In strument 20 Population, Sampling Strategy and Sample 20 Data Analysis 21 Results 21 Implications of the Findings 26 Limitations 27 Conclusion 27 Recommendations 28 Final Thoughts 28 Questionnaire 34 E-Business E-business (electronic business) describes the act of a business utilizing electronic network in the improvement of business processes or systems. ... The data collecting tool will be administration of questionnaires which will be conducted through various means such as e-mail, post and fax. However, face-to-face surveys will be conducted although reference will be made to questionnaires. The collected data from the tables will be analyzed through application of the Microsoft Excel and recommendations offered based on the results. The application of e-business among Saudi Arabian companies is expected to be low. Factors that affect the adoption of the technology in Saudi Arabia include the financial position of the business, the nature or characteristics of the business organization, and employees’ acceptance and perception of the of e-business. Some of the benefits of e-business include: promotes globalization, reduction in the costs involved in running of the business, improvement of the supply chain, portrays flexibility in operation hours, enhances procurement process and not subject to city laws and permits. Rationale A lthough e-business is currently applied globally, Saudi Arabia still lags behind in adoption of the technology. Although the country possesses the most advanced and the fastest growing ICT technology in the Arab region, the application of e-business has been adopted at a slow rate. Additionally, there is no detailed information on the adoption of E-commerce among most of the Saudi Arabians. According to Marcus, Wigham and Gould (2011), the Kingdom has registered a substantial population growth that can profitably adopt e-business and enhance the economic growth of the country. This research will rely on wide range of responses from employees in various organizations within Saudi Arabia. This will enable the identification of the

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY & PROSPECTUS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

& PROSPECTUS - Annotated Bibliography Example Certain theorists and researchers consider that the problem is related to the personal characteristics of children/ adolescents. Others state that it is mainly the environment, social – including family – and political, that negatively influences the behavior of children/ adolescents within educational settings. At the same time, children/ adolescents with specific habits, such as the participation in video-games that include violent scenes, who are more likely to use violence when they feel that their interests are threatened. Current paper is expected to contribute in understanding the actual causes of violence in schools. Particular emphasis has been given on the relationship between violence and specific social, political and economic conditions. The role of family, as a factor initiating the use of violence, is also reviewed. The paper offers analytical explanations not only on the aspects and the causes of violence in schools, but also on the measures that would be introduced for the control of the phenomenon. Statistical data, recent as possible, have been also employed in order to reflect the historically development of the phenomenon, the expansion of which is continuous, a fact that had a decisive role in choosing the particular subject. The paper of Benbenishty and Astor has been presented in the context of the IV World Conference in regard to the violence in schools; the Conference took place in Lisbon, in 2008. The paper has been chosen as it includes a range of valuable information in regard to the specific phenomenon, as expanded worldwide. A series of incidents of school violence are presented; these incidents have taken place in countries with different cultures, including Japan, USA, Finland and Malaysia. The incorporation of the paper in the reference list of the specific study has been considered as necessary in order to highlight the aspects of violence in school, as a global

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Opion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Opion - Case Study Example This case deals with how the company deals effectively with providing a service that is accurate and more than what the competition is offering. It is not very easy to give a verdict about a particular stock following its speculation in the market and people's perception but this is exactly what Opion set out to do in 2001 despite competition from the likes of a Vancouver based MindfulEye ( which provided a Moodscore for several stocks and Stockscores ( which provided clients with actual stock analysis based on technical grounds. Stockscores was actually superfluous because it did not provide analysis based on verbal speculation but Mindfuleye was more of a competition although none of these were considered actual competitors of Opion. Opion was a different ball game altogether. Its major product was Opion Financial Pro 1.0 which calculated hourly buzz scores on three major indices namely the Standard and Poor's 500, the NASDAQ 100 and the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average. The basic work of Financial Pro 1.0 was to gauge fluctuations in stock values and help portfolio managers become better decision makers by analyzing how investors perceive a particular stock. Later, traditional methods were used to analyze the stock on more technical grounds. One of the major disadvantages of using such a method is inaccuracy. ... Hence Opion took three measures that advised a conjecture about a stock to be negative or positive. Relevance was of the utmost importance as trying to determine whether a particular posting is pertinent to the topic being discussed is of very high significance. Credibility came next as anyone can register on a forum and start discussions about something they may or may not know much about. So determining people who were actually familiar with the stock market lingo and characteristics was a challenge but a necessary one at that. Lastly, came influence. Any messaging or posts in a discussion forum are subject to influence from other people or even generally what is written in the forums. Influence gives wind to rumors and rumors blight credibility dramatically. These were some challenges that Opion had to face, which other companies may not have taken into consideration. Buzz scores, however may not be too accurate when looked at from a certain point of view. The case explains that there was high variance from day to day and stock to stock. While day-to-day variance may be taken into account and dealt with considering fluctuation volumes, stock-to-stock variance gave heed to inaccuracies. New economy stocks like Microsoft and Cisco obviously generate more talk and interest than old economy stocks due to the perception that these are essentially more profitable. Actually, this may not necessarily be the case. The major reason a new economy stock will be seen more optimistically is the fact that more people are talking about it and there is more speculation as to the trading of this stock. Old economy stocks may not be favorites here despite their market moving and index weight abilities. Hence, Opion was prone to get

Pharmacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pharmacy - Essay Example Another challenge that will be faced by pharmacists in the upcoming years (as it is today, too) is staying up-to-date. A pharmacist is expected to be in step with all possible new information in his/her field. This means being aware and familiar with the new medical information that is released and new meds that are developed and put on sale. As the information in our field is constantly changing, it is paramount to stay in the know. A pharmacist can overcome this challenge decently with help of keeping a close watch on medical news, reading current medical journals and participating in Continuous Education (CE) programs. In general, a pharmacist should seek out information that will broaden his/her horizons and improve overall knowledge. Regardless of the field of pharmacology we are involved in, we will need to interact with patients for sure. This is the part of work that will stay unchangeable and relevant forever. Although this challenge may be looming for some of us, working with patients is an integral part of pharmacy. The specificity of the target group pharmacists work with and considering all the characteristic aspects are very important. Thus, pharmacists should work on a patient-friendly communication style. It is important that complex medical information is delivered to patients in a way easily understood by them. Moreover, our target group typically includes people who are not in the pink, i.e. suffering from pain or illness. That should be kept in mind when working with patients in order to approach them with respect and provide qualified assistance. As pharmacists we all will face many complicated tasks and challenges during our professional career. However, right attitude, appropriate communication style and growing knowledge base, could help us to turn challenges into personally and professionally rewarding experiences. As my primary goal is to gain profound knowledge and professional qualification that would allow me to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Opion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Opion - Case Study Example This case deals with how the company deals effectively with providing a service that is accurate and more than what the competition is offering. It is not very easy to give a verdict about a particular stock following its speculation in the market and people's perception but this is exactly what Opion set out to do in 2001 despite competition from the likes of a Vancouver based MindfulEye ( which provided a Moodscore for several stocks and Stockscores ( which provided clients with actual stock analysis based on technical grounds. Stockscores was actually superfluous because it did not provide analysis based on verbal speculation but Mindfuleye was more of a competition although none of these were considered actual competitors of Opion. Opion was a different ball game altogether. Its major product was Opion Financial Pro 1.0 which calculated hourly buzz scores on three major indices namely the Standard and Poor's 500, the NASDAQ 100 and the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average. The basic work of Financial Pro 1.0 was to gauge fluctuations in stock values and help portfolio managers become better decision makers by analyzing how investors perceive a particular stock. Later, traditional methods were used to analyze the stock on more technical grounds. One of the major disadvantages of using such a method is inaccuracy. ... Hence Opion took three measures that advised a conjecture about a stock to be negative or positive. Relevance was of the utmost importance as trying to determine whether a particular posting is pertinent to the topic being discussed is of very high significance. Credibility came next as anyone can register on a forum and start discussions about something they may or may not know much about. So determining people who were actually familiar with the stock market lingo and characteristics was a challenge but a necessary one at that. Lastly, came influence. Any messaging or posts in a discussion forum are subject to influence from other people or even generally what is written in the forums. Influence gives wind to rumors and rumors blight credibility dramatically. These were some challenges that Opion had to face, which other companies may not have taken into consideration. Buzz scores, however may not be too accurate when looked at from a certain point of view. The case explains that there was high variance from day to day and stock to stock. While day-to-day variance may be taken into account and dealt with considering fluctuation volumes, stock-to-stock variance gave heed to inaccuracies. New economy stocks like Microsoft and Cisco obviously generate more talk and interest than old economy stocks due to the perception that these are essentially more profitable. Actually, this may not necessarily be the case. The major reason a new economy stock will be seen more optimistically is the fact that more people are talking about it and there is more speculation as to the trading of this stock. Old economy stocks may not be favorites here despite their market moving and index weight abilities. Hence, Opion was prone to get

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MGT 511 session long project MODULE 4 Employee and Industrial Essay

MGT 511 session long project MODULE 4 Employee and Industrial Relations (walmart) - Essay Example This can clearly be said as the company focuses on selecting individuals based on their performance as well as on the induction period performance. Here the company focuses on completion of computer based learning and also on the job training for the employees. However, based on several reviews of present as well as past employees and keeping in mind the several law suits that the company has faced, the employee relations clearly are not very healthy. The company has over the years stepped over numerous employees and workers to come to their current position (Cram). In order to overcome these issues and to improve the overall employee relations it is crucial that WalMart focuses on improving the relations with the employees. Here in order to achieve this, it is important to increase and improvise on the current policies of the company. Also, action needs to be taken against managers who have been accused of any form of discrimination (Friedman). The only way that the company can effe ctively ensure that the employees are given the rightful respect and attention is by ensuring the management follows the policies. The policies of the company need to be revamped in every aspect, including the pay and the discrimination against women.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Virginia Woolfs The Death Of The Moth

Virginia Woolfs The Death Of The Moth In Virginia Woolfs The Death of the Moth, she wrote about a pathetic moths death process. Although its struggling and fighting against death moved her, the moth died in the end. The Death of the Moth reveals a world filled up with common objects: the moth, downs, sunlight, rooks, men etc. The connection between them, however, is extraordinary. The center of this world is frozen on a moribund moth and everything else is background. They are here to see and to contrast the death of the moth. In this world, life and death changed in a wink and this death process is released in a condensed way, striking us readers simple and quiet life. Woolf was a person who suffered mental illness throughout her life. In this essay, she commonly used personification. She considered the moth as herself. By condensing the human lifetime to a day life of a hay-colored moth, she demonstrated that death was inevitable. Even though due to the true nature of life, living beings tend to fight against the oncom ing doom (107), any effort against the power will fail eventually. Surprisingly, Woolf created a window that separated the moth and her from the outside world. At the beginning of this essay, she wrote about the pleasant summer morning. Everything outside was inspired by the vigor. The keener smell of air, the early work in the field, the utmost clamor and vociferation of rooks shows us this scene of vitality (106). In addition, she chose to write many big, strong and significant things on purpose, such as the scoring plough, the horses, the ploughmen, the rooks etc. She aimed to foreshadow the contrast between the moth and outside living beings: That was all he could do, in spite of the size of the downs, the width of the sky, the far-off smoke of houses, and the romantic voice, now and then, of a steamer out at sea (106, 107). Compared to the world outside the window, the moth was pathetic and little or nothing but life (107). The universe was larger than the moth can notice. However, compared to the oncoming doom, even the large and strong outsid e world was fragile and insignificant, let alone the little moth: as long as it chose to, the oncoming doom could submerge an entire city, not merely a city, but masses of human beings; nothing, I knew, has any chance against death (108). The world inside the window was individual and different from the world outside. Woolf wrote about the moth flying around the window, from one corner to another, or across them. Not only the moth was tiny, but also its life, though somehow vigorous at that moment, was actually boring. There was nothing else left for it to do besides flying. Outside world was bright and colorful, but the moth was somewhat lonely, just like Woolf herself. The window was like a barrier, keeping her away from enjoying the optimistic and positive life. She felt pity for the moth, just as if she felt sympathy for herself. Eventually, the moth settled on the windowsill, maybe because it was tired. It wanted to fly again, but failed. It seemed that this little creature was exhausted. Its movement and struggling was awkward. It failed several times and finally fell down and lay on its back. Death crept up on this poor and pathetic moth. Woolf tended to help it, but suddenly realized that this was the token of death. She knew death was inevitable, and she accepted that. In her mind, nothing people can do to stop the power of death. Hence, she chose not to interfere with the natural process. The moth was struggling. She was moved by its extremely strong will to live. Its tiny little legs fluttered repeatedly. The last protest was a success, but this instant victory did not save it from taking away by death. At the last few sentences of the last paragraph, she repeated the word death for six times, trying to emphasize that nothing can win the battle against oncoming doom. Except using repetition here that adds force, the whole passage was trying to avoid this. Synonyms were commonly seen in her words, such as pity, pathetic, sympathies; also useless, helplessness, futile, vainly and failure; death, oncoming doom, the power, fate etc. From her words it was superb this last protest, ones sympathies, of cause, were all on the side of life, moved one strangely etc., we can see that Woolf admired, respected and praised the life (108). Thus, she utilized personification throughout her essay. The moth is she, and she is the moth, struggling and fighting all her life. Virginia Woolf suffered mental illness during her lifetime. Actually, the date when she wrote this essay was very close to her suicide. As she said in the end of the essay death is stronger than I am, her illness was torturing her and she wanted an end (108). The moths life is actually her life. She condensed it to a day. Her life is not colorful and interesting like the world outside the window, but boring, plain and dull. She had a same window deep down in her mind. A barrier, through which she could see the world, but she fail to blend in it. Maybe for the reason of her mental illness, she can see the world differently than common people and can understand her inner thoughts more thoroughly, thus creating her magnificent achievements in mastering the technique stream of consciousness. She can write complex sentences as her wish, and mix her true feelings into her words: Yet, because he was so small, and so simple a form of the energy that was rolling in at the open window and driving its way through so many narrow and intricate corridors in my own brain and in those of other human beings, there was something marvelous as well as pathetic about him (107). In this essay, Virginia Woolf seemingly wrote about the moth, while actually she wrote about herself. Pessimistic emotion flooded this essay. No one can stop the natural process. No one can escape from death.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Permanent Death - Capital Punishment :: essays research papers

There are five basic reasons that society uses when imposing "punishment" that I've been able to conclude from my readings. I will discuss these societal concepts and show that the death penalty does not serve to further them. As a result William Smith should not be subject to the death penalty and in fact the same should be abolished from our system of "punishment". Deterrence Deterrence is basically defined as "the punishment should fit the crime." Under this concept, the individual committing the crime and society are prevented from committing this action again. In the case of the death penalty, an individual kills another human and he is "punished" for it by death. Punishment is supposed to be a temporary penalization for a wrongful action. Death is far from temporary. One is to learn from one's mistakes. How can the person learn if they are paying for their mistake with their life? In Ernest van den Haag's article, "The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense" he states, "The death penalty is our harshest punishment. It is irrevocable: it ends the existence of those punished, instead of temporarily imprisoning them." (Haag, 251). By imposing the death penalty the individual does not learn from their mistakes and neither does society. Economy Under this concept, punishment should be economical. As Haag points out, "...the monetary cost of appealing a capital sentence is excessive." (Haag, 253). Further, "...actual monetary costs are trumped by the importance of doing justice." (Haag, 253). Additionally there are specific costs associated with keeping an inmate on death row, (i.e. the cost of the specially built prison blocks, the need for maximum security, etc.) and more. These costs clearly out weigh the regular costs incurred to house a regular inmate. Deterrence is clearly not served by imposing the death penalty and society aims for justice are thwarted. Restitution Society demands that the punishment should fix the harm it has done. By sentencing a person to death no harm has been fixed. You can not bring the murdered person back by taking the prisoner's life. "Punishment-regardless of the motivation is not intended to revenge, offset, or compensate for the victims suffering or to be measured by it." (Haag, 253). Retribution The community demands that justice be served. Would justice not equally be served and in fact may be better served by life imprisonment? I believe it would be a worse punishment to endure a life sentence in prison.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

life :: essays research papers

Self from Religious Viewpoint The Afterlife is an area of human consciousness we all enter upon leaving the physical world at physical death. Throughout history we've questioned if there is a life after death. Along the way, our religions and various philosophers offered beliefs and opinions to answer this commonly asked question. However, many of the answers contradict each other making it hard to figure out. While some believe it's impossible to know whether there is life after death, belief in immortality is a timeless phenomenon. Through the years there have been many philosophers that do not believe in life after death. Among them is David Hume. David Hume was a British imperialist to the extreme. He only believed in what he could see. He felt that if you can't see your soul or god then they must not exist. The same holds true for the after life, or heaven. He felt that when you died that was it, your life was over and there was nothing more. Muangkram pg.2 Buddhist's also do not believe in life after death meaning heaven. Buddhist's believe that when one dies he is reborn again and this continues until the person reaches Nirvana. Nirvana is the state in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion. In the Buddhist religion there is no god to save you or to show you the way. To reach nirvana you must achieve insight and wisdom. The Buddha was not saved by a revelation or from any god. He was the self-enlightened one; by the power of his own post virtue, which finally produced piercing insight and wisdom, he came to the knowledge or the saving insight into things 'as they are.' He literally made himself a Buddha and subsequently entered Nirvana. One of the great philosophers that did believe in life after death was Spinoza. Spinoza believed there was a heaven and a hell and the life here in the physical realm was just a small part of gods greater plan. Spinoza believed that man is a fleeting incident in an infinite and eternal universe. In the Christian religion it is believed that there does exist life after death. The argument to support it being that after Jesus died he rose from the dead, proving that the soul is not destroyed after death. This proof of immortality has been accepted by millions of Christians and has been regarded as one of the most precious assurances brought to mankind by Jesus.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Creatures Quest for Love-Frankenstein

In the fourteenth chapter of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein the creature is telling Victor what he has learned from watching the people who live in the cottages. He tells him that they were once very influential citizens of Paris. The father was a Turk who was falsely accused of a crime and Felix risks everything to save him from spending his life in prison for a crime he did not commit. Felix meets the Turks daughter Safie and falls in love with her. Safie was very happy to marry Felix because it would take her out of a place where women could not be independent.Felix’s plan was discovered and they were all banished from France and all of their wealth was taken from them. They found themselves settling in a cottage in Germany. After watching the cottagers for so long the creature has learned acceptance and love even when there is a price to pay for it and wishes only for Victor to give him that same type of acceptance. After Victor’s mother died he was obsessed with finding the spark of life. He dug up graves and took pieces of human body parts and put them together to form his own creation. After bringing it to life he is disgusted by what he sees.The creature turns out to be a hideous creation. Victor runs out of his apartment leaving the creature alone and the creature retreats to the forest at which time he discovers the family living there. The creature tells Victor of his struggles since he was created. He tells him about the rejection he as experienced while he wondered the lands. He tells Victor that people do not welcome him as he thought they might. He comes across a family living in the forest. After watching the family the creature learns that he is not like everyone else. He is different and wonders where he fits in.He wonders if he should be with the humans or the animals, he says in Chapter 13, â€Å"I was not even of the same nature as man, where do I belong in the scheme of life, with men or among the animals? † He also knew that he had a creator and that creator was Victor. He wanted answers from Victor. The creature finds Victors jacket in the woods and gets his notes from the jacket pockets. In the notes the creature finds out exactly how he was created. This new information is sickening to the creature. The creature continues watching the family in the cottages.He is intrigued with the way the family reacts to Safie returning with servants and money. He understands that Safie takes care of all of them in a loving way. He starts to notice the roll of women. He then starts to wonder why he has no woman. He then kills Victor’s brother to show him that he is serious in his request for a mate. He tells Victor that he will kill him too if he does not make him a woman. The creature felt that if he had a mate then he would have the love and acceptance that he longed for and that maybe he would be more like the humans; normal. Victor does not create the creature a mate.He realizes that there cou ld be two of the monsters on the lose murdering and doing hideous things. He also envisions what could happen if they were to have children. With this in mind he destroys her in front of the creature. The creature vows to get revenge on Victor for depriving him of the love he longs for. He tells Victor that he will be with him on his wedding night and Victor assumes that the creature is promising that he will kill Victor. Victor marries Elizabeth and all the while wondering when the creature will make good onh is promise. The creature does and kills Elizabeth instead of Victor.The creature wants to make Victor feel the loneliness that he feels so he takes his mate. Victor tries to shoot the creature but misses and the creature escapes. After this Victor finally tells his story, but by this time all of the damage is done. Victor now wants revenge. He has lost everyone he loved and the one thing that is to blame for it is still on the lose. Victor never would accept the creature or ex tend any hint of love or care for him. The creature thought the reason was that he was so disgustingly ugly and he hated Victor for creating him that way.He hated it so much that he wreaked havoc on Victor by killing everyone he loved. All of this could have been avoided had Victor just accepted the creature. The creature finally realizes that his looks are so bad that no one will ever have anything to do with him, much less love him. But he keeps looking for acceptance and tries to reason with Victor to make him understand how the creature longs for a relationship. The two actually have something in common. They both search for happiness and love and both end up with neither.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Report of the Leadership Camp Essay

On the 27th- 29th, Co-curricular Unit of SMK Tun Mamat organised a Leadership Camp at Perimbun Resort , Cheras. The camp was attended by all presidents and secretaries of the various clubs in school. About 72 participants include facilitators joined this three days camp. Its objective is to install leadership qualities and to improve teamwork among presidents and secretaries of various clubs. Youth leaders from local university are invite to be facilitators along this three days camp. Facilitators are invited from local university, known as University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). During this three days camp, several activities are arranged for participants. On the first day, after the registration of participants a briefing about the camp was given by facilitators. After that, participants were setting up tents. Then, participants were distributed among several groups and group activities were held. By participate in group activities, one can improve the leadership qualities such as group leader quality and also teamwork. Leader of the group should have a clear vision of what they want their team to achieve. Not only must there be an awareness of this common goal of the group but it must also be shared and agreed upon with the other members of the team. On the second day morning , it was a morning exercise. Some survivals skills are explained by facilitators.Those survival skills are important to all presidents and secretaries of clubs. In this camp , some of the important attributes that go into producing a good leader were highlighted. Such us , understand that every team member is different , be a model . An effective leader should firm the team up by having team and individual meetings to inspire and motivate team members. This can be done when a member of club representing to a competition. During the night , participants go on a ten-mile hike. The last day of the camp is the most memorable part . On the third day , there was a feedback session whereby participants have been asked about the camp. The co-curricular unit of SMK Tun Mamat was able to carry out this camp successfully because of the high commitment and dedication of all teachers and students.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dean College Essay

During my year at Dean College, apart from putting efforts in enhancing my academic performance, I had been working as a peer tutor in the Learning Center. The Learning Center provides materials and information to enhance students’ learning skills, ability and their knowledge on the content of subjects. My role is to offer content assistance in the areas of Economics, English and Mathematics, but would often cross-tutor in several other areas such as Criminal Justice, writing, and general study skills. Experiencing the success in assisting other students and receiving good feedbacks had gained me a really joyful work experience as a peer tutor. I had a relatively different idea of being a peer tutor, since students usually went to the learning center for quick review on their essays which were due shortly. I had been working hard in marketing strategies, whereas creating an atmosphere of a place that they can spare their time here to concentrate, a place where combine the characteristics of library and private tutors. In this place, they can concentrate on their studies, with rich resources like computer stations, printers and reference books. Moreover, to make them feel more comfortable, they won’t feel like they are being tagged as doing bad on academics, since tutors no longer wear staff tags. They will feel more confidence on themselves in this way. I think that it is essential to create a certain sort of relationship right off the bat with the person you are tutoring. It is important to make the student feel that we are also students that are continually learning and also willing to contribute out ideas and point of view with them. There is a major difference between a peer tutor and a teacher. I believe that peer tutors do not judge and on top of that, they do not give out grades! It is also easier for tutors to come out and say that they do not know all the answers. Many times, a student can have trouble in class but never address these questions to their teachers for many different reasons. One of them could be because they are afraid of talking in front of a larger group of students. Another reason could be because they might feel that their question is stupid. These reasons could inhibit a student from learning and understanding the material. I think that as a peer tutor, I am able to help these students on a one-on-one basis. I think that my experiece gained from this job is very meaningful and has helped me a lot in the way to communicate with others in a more positive and encouraging way. Helping others makes me feel more satisfied with my performance and has definitely given me a lot more confidence that I can assist others even though I may have shortcomings. These students learn something from me as a peer tutor and on the other hand, I learn a lot of things from the students who have sought for my help.

Discuss the argument and evidence for the view that the roles of women Essay

Discuss the argument and evidence for the view that the roles of women and men in the family have changed significantly over the past 50 years - Essay Example Women have travelled a long way in the past 50 years as compared to their male counterparts and embark changes in the lifestyles. In the present era, women are getting married later and giving birth later in life; they make up 50 percent of the work force and also have immensely shifted the roles in families. This move of women is in the direction of equality. Besides performing the role as a good worker in the job which was initially the men’s territory, women do perform multiple roles at the family front like maintaining quality of marital relationships, looking after the household activities (Bernades, 1997). The division of domestic labour has also witnessed changes in the patterns of time spent by men and women (Cheal, 2002). In support of this, there had been a reduction in gender inequality in the performance of some of the normatively feminine-associated tasks, a larger proportional increase in the time contributed to domestic work tasks by men from lower socio-economic strata, to a position of near equality with men from higher socio-economic positions, and a substantial increase in more `egalitarian couples (Chafe, 1991). Womens lives today are spectacularly unlike from those of their mothers and grandmothers. Women are developing an independent thinking and this is displayed in the nature of their choices that eventually prepares them for longer lives, significant labor force contribution with matrimony and children moreover, they know that they are contributing to their own economic well-being, by gaining more education, and proving themselves in well-paying employment (Chafe,1991). On the same memorandum, mens roles have also changed in the past 50 years. Men have more responsibilities in the home and in caring for the children - and the majority of men now level having free time with family this has become

Monday, October 7, 2019

Social Capital Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Capital - Research Paper Example A review of the additional literature, in addition to the source article, will provide collaborative details to provide support for the conclusion established. The case study by Chenhall, Hall, & Smith examined how elements of a management control system can either enhance or inhibit the bonding and bridging dimensions of social capital with potential consequences on both economic and cultural capital (2010, p.2). The study attempts to highlight and provide data to support the notion that management control systems can be contradictory as they relate to social capital. The concept of social capital is used to outline a distinctive approach to understanding the relationship between management control systems and the development of social connections in and between organizations (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). The study additionally illustrates how formal belief systems and operational controls sustain strong interior relationships and also help to establish the case organization†™s standing with peripheral organizations vital to external bridging (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). However, there are also several limitations to the relevancies demonstrated by the study. The study was based on a limited number of interviews rather than in-depth observational data (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). Additionally, the study indicates that efforts to use â€Å"financial controls interactively† to deal with issues of cost awareness were not successful due to the fact that they were interpreted as â€Å"incompatible† with natural advancements and threatened to bond (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010, p.2). Literature Review Social capital can be measured in a variety of ways, although obtaining a "true", definitive measurement is not possible (What is, 2011). The most popular definitions of social capital are multidimensional and incorporate numerous aspects of analysis into a comprehensive framework (What is, 2011). Attempts to measure the properties of â €Å"inherently ambiguous concepts† such as "community", "network" and "organization" has caused problems in establishing the concept of social capital (What is, 2011). Although a few long-standing surveys have been designed to gauge "social capital", they have left researchers to assemble indexes from a range of items, like â€Å"measures of trust in government, voting trends, memberships in civic organizations, and hours spent volunteering† (What is, 2011). Researchers are attempting to compile new surveys that will give the concept of social capital a more definitive meaning. There are several examples of social capital, like civic organizations, community organizations, and scholastic communities that can significantly contribute to the overall organizational platform.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Kitchen demo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kitchen demo - Assignment Example The study will further provide a discussion of a food service system to be employed. Menu that illustrates proper and sufficient utilization of the existing kitchen In this study a menu to be employed will involve a blue print on how the available kitchen will be utilized to prevent overlapping and under utilization of the available space and equipment (Baraban & Durocher, 2010). The menu may help to determine the level of skills required among the Chefs, the purchase prices for the items as well as energy cost to be incurred (Walker & Lundberg, 2007). Connectively it is important to that a commercial kitchen should be designed in such a manner that mobility of employees in the kitchen is easier. This may help in ensuring that there is maximum safety and efficiency (Baraban & Durocher, 2010). Whereby the available walking space left can allow employees to move easily and respond quickly to customer’s request. Below is a presentation of how the available kitchen space may be ut ilized and annual maintenance cost for the available space as well as revenues break down. ... Amount of unit sale if $850 is to generated=850?Y.units=Ä ¬,000 Y=353units sale Amount of unit sale if $1000 is to generated=$1000?Yunits=$300,000 Y=300unit sales Maintenance cost for the remaining space per month=$50?200 =10,000 Maintenance cost for the remaining space per year=($50?200)12 =$120,000 Total annual revenues and maintenance expenditure $300,000 $6000+120,000=$126000 Net revenue after deduction of space expenditure on spa $174,000 Rent per square feet annually = $50,000 Rent per year =$300,000 Amount to be generated per day to make profits ($850-$1,000unit sales) = $300,000per year Total space for the room = 30?20=300unit Kitchen (1/3?300) = 100units Remaining floor space= 200 to be used for setting up seats for customers who will be to buy meal. Discussion of a food service system to be employed The commercial food service system will employ various techniques to ensure that different food menu is available on daily basis to meet dynamics needs of the customers. Additi onally both unskilled and skilled labor will be required in the system. In above connection, the food service model will employ some energy efficient measure to ensure that the energy cost is minimized while maximizing profits at the same time (Lewis & Slack, 2003). The commercial services equipments will be pre tested to determine water and energy consumption pattern. This measure will help to ensure there is efficiency in the amount of water and energy utilized (Wentz, 2007). Additionally, the model utilize modern equipments for cooking and for preserving food staffs in order to ensure that there will be effectiveness and efficiency on the services rendered to the customers (Wentz, 2007). Among the cooking equipments that will be employed include: Large vat fryers, steam cookers,

Saturday, October 5, 2019

1980 MGM Fire and Fire Codes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

1980 MGM Fire and Fire Codes - Case Study Example Fig.1 shows the site plan of the hotel. It had 26 floors designed luxuriously. Ground floor had the Casino, restaurants, showrooms and a convention center and upper level of the jai alai fronton. The below grade level had the lower level of the jai alai fronton, a movie theatre, several shops and boutiques, service areas, and underground parking. There were 2076 guest rooms and another 780 guest rooms under construction on the west side of the building. Hotel structure had fire-resistive, protected non-combustible and unprotected non-combustible segments. Both combustible and non-combustible materials were used for interior finish. Fire sprinklers were installed only in some major portions and every area was not protected for fire. Part of the 26th floor, the arcade level, convention areas, showrooms and some restaurants on the casino level were protected while the casino and tower were not protected with fire sprinklers. A manual fire alarm system was present in the hotel. The guest room floors had manual pull stations. The alarm system had bells and public address capability. There was no automatic detection system installed in the building (National Fire Protection Association, 1980).... Security tried to put off the fire but it was so huge that the Clark County fire department had to be contacted at around 7.15 a.m. (National Fire Protection Association, 1980). Fig.2 and Fig. 3 shows the fire magnitude at MGM Grand. Fig. 2 ("MGM", 2008) The MGM Grand - view from the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Flamingo Rd Fig 3 ("MGM", 2008) The MGM Grand Fire - looking toward North-East from I-15 According to the fire department fire broke out due to an electrical problem in a combustible covered space next to a pie case in the restaurant. Presence of combustible interior finish and other material like plywood, plastic, paper, wooden decorative members and foam plastic padding of chairs and booths in the Deli helped fire spread very quickly and reach an uncontrollable magnitude. There was no protection in the path for the fire to spread to the Casino. Combustible interior finish, furnishings, other wooden and plastic materials like foam padding and moldings present in the Casino put in more fuel in the fire. Flow of air was also enough for the fire to inflate (National Fire Protection Association, 1980). Within 15 minutes of its detection fire had swallowed up a huge area including the Deli, the Casino and porte cocher on the west end of the building. Heat and smoke rising to the upper floors notified guests of the problem on the ground floors. Helicopters, fire fighters, construction workers and passersby were able to save many people. People who tried their way out through roofs and other exits were rescued while others waited in their rooms for help. Hotel was evacuated completely in 4 hours. 84 people died in the tragic incident. 14 people died on the Casino level, 29 in rooms, 21 in

Friday, October 4, 2019

The future of intrusion prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The future of intrusion prevention - Essay Example The reasons for conducting a risk assessment are (Neumann, 1995; Smith, 1993; Reid and Floyd, 2001; Katzke, 1988; Hancock, 1998; Brewer, 2000): new threats, new technology, new laws and new available safeguards. The issue taken for the risk analysis and threat assessment was the students' violent behaviour at school. The aim of the assessment was to identify the next rebel by developing the profile of a typical rebel. To achieve this, a four spiked model of assessment was designed. This model provides a framework for evaluating a student in order to determine if he or she has the motivation, means, and intent to carry out a proclaimed threat. The assessment is based on the sum of the circumstances known about the student in four major areas. Spike 1 (Personality of the student): Evidence to a student's personality can come from observing behavior when the student expresses characteristics like, managing with conflicts, disappointments, failures, insults, or other stresses encountered in everyday life, anger, frustration, disappointment, humiliation, sadness, or similar feelings. Spike 1 (Personality of student): There may be involuntary signs shown by the student about his inclination to violence in his behavior, thoughts or attitudes. The student might often show out frustration and tries to alienate. There is a collection of acts of "injustice" done against him registered in his mind. The student often shows signs of depression such as lethargy, physical fatigue or lack of interest towards any activity performed. He exhibits selfishness and has self-centred thoughts with great inclination towards entertainment filled with violence. He behaves inhumane and has low tolerance levels. Spike 2 (Family Background): The student might have a damaged relationship with parents. He might have easy access to weapons at home, unlimited non-monitored access to the media and internet. Spike 3 (Academic History): The student might have a low tolerance for punishments and bullying at school. He might be with a school having fixed culture with unsupervised computer access. There might little trust with the teachers. Spike 4 (Social History): The student might have companions who have great inclination to violent activities. He might have unlimited access to internet, computer and media. The knowledge of a student and his attitude towards the use of drugs and alcohol too play a vital role. The Intervention Process An effective intervention process by the school would be to manage the threat effectively by taking the following measures: 1. Inform the students and parents of the school policies 2. Appoint a Co-Ordinator for threat assessment 3. Enforcement of law in three levels - low, medium and high - while the intervention at low level would involve interview with the student and parents; the intervention