Monday, September 30, 2019

A PESTEL analysis of Tesco expansion overseas

Tesco first launched their international expansion in 1994. After 11 years their sales have grown to contributing 20%(à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½7 billion) of the total turnover has been from overseas sales. The success of Tesco expansion overseas has mainly been down to the strategy of seeking out new markets in an early growth stage. These markets have few and week competitors and lots of potential. Tesco expansion overseas has mainly been in Eastern Europe and the Far East. Tesco has set up in thirteen countries abroad so far, some of these include; Czech Republic, Malaysia, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Thailand and Turkey. This assignment will focus on Poland in Eastern Europe, Thailand and Malaysia of the Far East. The assignment will undertake a PESTEL analysis of Tesco expansion overseas. Involving political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal issues that effect Tesco. There are many political factors that effect businesses. The main factors are legislation, government agencies and incentives put forward by the governments in order to attract investors. Investment incentives in Poland are very favourable for large companies such as Tesco. Polish government offers these incentives mainly to companies that invest more than à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½10 million. Some of these incentives that the Polish government offer Tesco are, employment grants, training grants and grants for infrastructure development. There may be problems to businesses through political unrest, which may result in civil unrest and violent crimes. This civil unrest and violence is a problem that Tesco has faced in the Far East. In December of 2001 an antitank missile hit the office of EL AL Israel Airline. However the Thai authorities believed that the target was a Tesco building adjacent that had received numerous bomb threats previous. The government may also be taking action against businesses in order to protect their economy. The government of Malaysia has recently taken action against the large investors in the retail sector. They have recently put a five year ban on any new hypermarkets being build in the countries top three cities Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Juhor Bahru. The Malaysian government have also stated that they are concerned with the negative affect that Tesco may have on the economy. As a result they have stated that any new hypermarkets that are being planned, are to submit their plans two years in advance. They have also required a socio-economical study to be carried out in advance. This has effect Tesco strategy as they may have to result in building smaller stores where there range is less. Economic factors are those that affect the purchasing and spending habits of the consumer. When the economy is decreasing there will be less disposable income and consumer spending will decrease. Even though the countries economy is low, it does not mean businesses cannot benefit if the right strategy is deployed. With the right strategy businesses may be able to gain market share and increase turnover. Despite Thailand's uneasy economic future Tesco has decide to invest more capital into their partnership with Lotus. However, Tesco-lotus has shifted their strategy towards the development of smaller projects in downtown areas. This is due to the current economic environment as there is less risk in development small-scale retail stores. This is because they require small budgets and have a decreased breakeven time compared to hypermarkets. Other economical factors are those of unemployment, however companies can exploit these. If a country has a high unemployment rate then they may offer great incentives. The polish government offers companies such incentives as; * Reimbursing the cost of high ring an unemployed person for up to twelve months. * Reimbursing up to 50% of the cost of training employees Tesco can take advantages of such incentives when employing Polish staff as it has invested over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½10 million pounds. Sociological factors are those that affect the business through the people of the country. Income distribution is a sociological factor; if there are a high percentage of people with a low level of income there will be a large market for inferior goods. In Thailand there is a large class divide between high-level income and low-level income. To control the effects of this divide the Thai government have create legislation that states that brands of prestige must have the same amount of advertising of those of inferior goods. Tesco has adhered to this through the amount of shelving space allowed for products. Another factor that affects business through sociology is that of the attitudes in which the population has on such aspects as work and leisure. Businesses need to take into account that different countries will have different attitudes. In Poland where the population is mainly of Roman Catholic belief, leftwing political parties have accused Tesco of undermining the traditional Polish values of home, family and church. These views have mainly come from the poorer rural population who are suspicious of foreign investors. Mobility of the population is also important. If the countries population is less mobile, then the retail outlets of goods must be near to the most densely populated area. In Thailand Tesco has started to focus more on smaller convince stores that will be situated closely to the customer. The technological environment is very important for businesses as it can increase efficiency and decrease costs. Technological advancement is import for many governments as it encourages development and new opportunities. The Thai government have praised Tesco for the use technology in environmental issues. Tesco Lotus has achieved increased energy efficiency through technological advancement in chillers plant operation and air conditioning unit. Tesco has created a more efficient operation that lowers energy consumption and emissions into the atmosphere. Other technological factors include discovery and development of new technology. This may help companies with efficiency and may help businesses to enter new markets. Tesco had already launched its .com operation in the UK and had become rather successful. They then in turn took this new technological idea and brought it to Thailand. Thus creating a new market and higher revenues. Technological development means that businesses can better themselves, making them more efficient and can decrease costs. Tesco has recently proposed to use RFID (radio frequency identification), these new tags will allow Tesco to monitor their products development through the supply chain. This will allow Tesco to monitor their temperatures more effectively. The temperature monitoring is important as it is through the supply chain where most of the salmonella outbreaks occur. Another development that Tesco has recently been apart of is a new IT system named the Intactix space planner. This will allow the planning team of new stores to be more productive. The space planner uses 3D technology to create planners for store and shelving layout. Environmental factors have become increasingly important over time. Environmental factors pose worldwide issues for businesses. Businesses need to be aware of two major factors when looking at the environment. Firstly is the usage of raw materials. Energy used by all businesses is mainly arises from fossil fuels which are running out at a high rate. Companies may also need to look at other aspects of material such as water usage. Which is already a problem in some US states. Tesco Lotus has taken large steps to combat their raw material and energy usage. Tesco lotus has created their first ‘Green Store'. This ‘Green Store' is said to be leading the way in energy conservation and environmental management in the retail section. Some of the key features of the green store include: * Solar Panel Lighting System * Reduced heat radiation – through extensive use of natural light * The recycling of rain water as well system water * Non lead paint * CFC free refrigerators * A totally asbestos free site Another key issue with the environment is pollution. Businesses need to be aware of the consequences of their actions on the environment. Many businesses today have started taking the effect on the environment very seriously and are introducing policies of recycling and lowering of emissions. These energy efficient policies can also save the company money in costs. Tesco Lotus reduced surplus airflow of the air conditioning unit, which lowers the electricity usage and saved the company 2 million baht. Further electricity usage reductions were made by reducing the lighting intensity by 20% which saved an overall 30% of the electricity bill saving the company over 12 million baht. Tesco is also trying to cut down on transport emissions through usage of railway systems. This allows fast economical usage of systems already in place. However the problems with sub contracting is the lack of control in which businesses have over the contractors. The final stage of the analysis is Legal. Legal issues can interlink heavily with political. These issues that affect the business are those in which the business must comply with. Businesses must comply with government rules and regulations concerning areas like health and safety and product safety. Tesco product safety remains heavily on their chilled items, such as meat and dairy. To combat any area of salmonella poisoning they have created a system called the cold chain. This allows a product to be out of a refrigerated environment for no more than twenty minutes. If Tesco were found to be a course of an outbreak then there would be large consequences. Employment law is another issue that affects Tesco. In different countries there are different laws. Tesco will have to adhere to laws such as rate of pay and employee conditions. Tesco Lotus has just failed to win a court case involving paying their workers over time on bank holidays. Tesco were seen to be outside the employee law and therefore were ordered to pay their workers a total of 35 million baht to a total of 8500 employees. There has also been inquest in the allegations of Tesco suppliers of forcing suppliers to sell their produce below cost. Tesco has also been accused of charging suppliers fees in order to sell their products. The Thai government have stated that these unethical business strategies are not welcome. In my view the most important factors are those of the political and technological. Political problems plague companies looking to expand aboard as they have a large control of what companies can and cannot do. Technological factors are also extremely important as technological advancement can mean efficiency and being able to sustain any competition.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Women’s Struggle for Equal Rights

The women†s struggle for equal rights has existed throughout American history. For thousands of years women had been denied of their rights and always been thought of as having a second-class role in society. Women were powerless and considered the property of men. Women were only expected to fulfill certain roles in life. They have been given the role of being the weak, submissive, and a house-wife that was meant to stay home and care for the children. She was not expected to work outside the home. The women of the mid 1800†³s realized that it was time for a change and so began the women†s right movement. It was the mid 1800†³s and the women started to take a step. Women began fighting for equal opportunities just as men. On July 1848, three hundred people came together at Seneca Falls, New York, to discuss and resolve the inequities that had place women as second-class. At this meeting, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the women who organized the convention and was also known as â€Å"Mother of the Suffrage Movement,† presented a speech. She listed the areas in which women should have equality, and surprised everyone by including the right to vote. She had used a piece from the Declaration of Independence as her model â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal.† This meeting was the start of a fight that would drag on for years. Women thought that the first step to gaining equality was being able to vote. The fight for the right to vote began in 1840. This was not an easy goal to accomplish. Along with other rights they wanted, they had to fight their way through state legislatures and congressional obstacles. Men argued that women were too sensitive and emotional and therefore would not be able to reach fair political decisions. Almost a century later, August 1920, the women†s right to vote was finally passed. It was the Nineteenth Amendment, â€Å"The right of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.† In the 1980 presidential election, for the first time women outnumbered the male voters. The gaining of the women†s right to vote gave women hope that someday men and women would be created equal. Although the women were allowed to vote, it little improved the way society portrayed women. Women still faced difficulties in experiencing equal rights. But the fact is, the women†s rights movement has made some steps into eliminating inequality. Women were denied of higher education. The highest education a woman was allowed to complete was the primarily level. Due to this lack of higher education women were to only be illegible for jobs such as secretaries and teachers. Women had a hard time finding higher professional jobs because they lacked the proper education. Parents raised their daughters towards being a house-wife, so that a higher education would be pointless. This has been somewhat of an improvement. Before their education was limited to only domestic skills. This act was very effective in schools. It was not until 1974, when Congress passed the Equal Educational Opportunities Act, which stated that no one will be denied of education due to gender, race, color, or nationality. It was able to change the way some courses only to particular sexes, in other words, putting an end to stereotyping. For example, if a girl chooses to take an auto shop course and a boy wanted to take a home economics course, they would have every right to do so. The opportunity for higher education for women gave them the chance to enter the work force. A woman could be anything whom she wants to be. All women are capable of being a housewife and caring for the children at the same time having a job. During the 1950†³s, the largest increase in work force participation was among married women compared to 1920, the typical working woman was single. Studies have found that women that are employed play a higher role in her marriage as she normally would have being unemployed. Women that were employed full-time had higher roles in marriage than a woman being part-time employed. From 1955 to 1990 the percentage of employed women has increased twelve percent. Though women were able to find jobs they still face difficulties concerning that area. Women†s work advancement was still limited compared to men. If a man and woman happen to have the same job the man was always paid more. World War I helped create new job opportunities for women, and many began to replace jobs that were once held by men. Although the women in the work force have increased, they face another problem in the work force. Discrimination. February 6, 1977, discrimination complaints in the work force have risen to 130,000. Men often humored the working women. They did not think that women were â€Å"cut out† to handle the job as well as men do. Over the years discrimination has lessen, but it still does exist. The women†s rights movement was a very historical event that dramatically changed the government. During the 18th and 19th centuries, women were outnumbered not by population, but instead by the power of men. The growing number of participants of the movement and the continuation through time eventually advanced women†s rights on both the state level and federal level. Women also proposed many Amendments into the Constitution. Eventually with changes of women in society, women began to become involved in the government. Women were being elected to serve in government offices. It seems that the early Americans preferred their women as non-professional and non-intellectual, but as homemakers. Women were expected to follow an expected role, but eventually decided to change that. The women†s right movement was created in order to gain their equality. When this movement arose, the women were being accused of being selfish for wanting the same opportunities of men. Over the years the rights movement has slowly been a success. Slowly, women†s roles in society have advanced. Society now accepts the rights of women and give them more opportunities to play a better role in society. Women of today hold positons that were once only for men. For example, in the past only men were to serve in high offices, but now so are women. Although women have achieve alot of the goals in the movement, some feel that â€Å"Women can not be equal outside of the home until men are equal inside the home.†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Nursing - Research Paper Example Although the process of medication reconciliation appears relatively simple, it has been difficult to organize and implement systems that ensure that reconciliation happens in a reliable manner. One author shows an error due to problems in the underlying processes of care: â€Å"A new report from the U.S. Pharmacopeia reveals that hospital medication errors may be on the increase despite efforts to combat the problem. The study also found that hospitalized patients over age 65 are twice as likely to be harmed by an error, accounting for half of all error-related deaths†. This particular perspective tends to contradict the initial assumption that mortality rates in cases of medication mistakes were relatively low when compared to other medical mistakes, but this is a matter of individuation. In the case examples, none of the results were fatal, but one was a root cause analysis event, which means that it was considered a sentinel event according to the JACHO. It is important to look at how this is also a problem that has interstices with home care environments. â€Å"Inconsistencies between patients’ admission orders and home medication regimens may occur. The JCAHO recognizes that medication safety is compromised when these discrepancies occur and require hospitals to develop a process of obtaining histories†. Hospitals can also help staff recognize the problem by putting up side-effect and drug combination charts. Education is also important because if a person does not receive an adequate education, they are not going to be able to apply knowledge.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nursing Therory Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nursing Therory Analysis - Research Paper Example Later on, it was revised so as to be brought into the modern taxonomic fabrication for comfort that often explains comfort to be a nature for accomplishing needs for ease, relief plus transcendence in one’s sociocultural, physical, environmental plus psycho-spiritual settings. In describing deduction, here comfort is described as having associations to some nursing theories so as to help make up a hypothesis. According to the author called Murray in his book published in 1938, he contributed towards providing a sensible structure that helped Kolcaba’s notions sustaining. In addition, Relief became distinguished by an author named Orlando in the year 1961, same to transcendence by Zderad and Paterson in 1976, and ease became distinguished by an author named Henderson in the year 1966. In the year 1975, the idea on behaviors of seeking health was utilized by a person named Schlotfeldt. In regard to retroductive step implementation, Kolcaba ensured that she in culminated the idea of having institutional sincerity incorporated in her comfort theory. In addition, the theory often depicts various personalized patient centered care, plus the given benefits accrued from comfort plus engagement of the habits involved to seek health. Basically, some of the notions found in this given philosophy encompass: Intervening variables, comfort needs, institutional integrity, comfort procedures, comfort including health seeking attitudes or behaviors. According to Kolcaba, comfort is something which needs to originate from a care circumstances which cannot be offered at the same time by a given patient’s maintenance structure. In addition, it is through the set of standards set in nursing that are supposed to assemble the given needs hence captivating patients aspects like maturity, emotional situation, defiance, given support structure, past experience among others which are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Can the EU become an influential player in international political Essay

Can the EU become an influential player in international political economy - Essay Example 24). This paper will discuss EU and how it is an influential player in international political economy. European Union is a multinational government that is changing the initial role of the nation-state and sovereignty in the entire Europe. EU was formed willingly by several states that had similar goals and is unique in its design and idea to the European continent (Breherton & Vogler, 2002, pp. 213). EU is a unique economic and political partnership between twenty-eight countries that occupy much of the continent. The initial mission of the European Union was to encourage cooperation among the countries after the World War II and was presumed that the countries that were trading together were unlikely to attack each other. European Union has brought about so many advantages to the states that are members. The economic advantages include enabling the member states move capital and goods from place to place within the EU (Arull, 2004, pp. 505). In addition, the Entrepreneurs are free to give their services anywhere within the European Union, which is made possible since the European Union operates under a unified set of economic laws. These advantages have been designed to create a competitive marketplace and reduce the prices for the consumer especially those within the member states. European Union came up with one currency that is common in all the states; Euro, hence making it possible for the trade to take place between the countries. The European Union takes a step further and provides its members with protection against the challenges of volatility and inflation in the monetary market (Lucarelli & Fioramonti, 2010, pp. 64-68). Being part of the European Union also encompasses political advantages for the member states. As a member of the multinational organization, the countries are able to wield more influence on the world stage. The workers are protected from exploitive practices through the working tie directive that is controlled

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Interests and the Freedom of the Members of Society Essay

The Interests and the Freedom of the Members of Society - Essay Example Sneakers, on the other hand, is a 1992 film starring Robert Redford as Martin Bishop. For 20 years, Bishop has done what he could to evade the arm of the law and has established a new identity for him. Knowing that he had not done anything wrong and that he was just wrongly accused, Bishop works to secure his freedom. The movie is about Bishop and his team of sneakers and a code breaker box they have been blackmailed into stealing. Failure to do so will mean that Bishop’s real identity will be revealed to authorities and may eventually lead to his capture. Several turns in the plot occur, the biggest one being that the Bishop finds himself in a situation where he can finally erase his bad record which will inevitably lead to his complete freedom. In the end, Bishop and his group develop a plan to make sure that no group makes use of the code breaker and at the same time ensure that Bishop remains free and all other members get what they’ve always dreamt of. As previousl y mentioned, freedom is a central theme in both works of art discussed. As with Valjean, Bishop makes use of all means possible to preserve his freedom. Both main characters are evading authorities determined to catch them. In fact, both Valjean and Bishop established new identities for themselves in order to avoid being arrested. Such a similarity exists because both stories focus on the lives of men on the run. Both show how protecting one’s freedom sometimes entails running away and turning one’s back on his past.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Choose 2 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Choose 2 questions - Assignment Example The law that I would want reviewed or repealed is the antitrust laws. This is because they need to elaborate to ensure that they make way for the organizations to be accountable. The act has a loophole because competing hospital system can decide to come together and share pricing information meaning that they will impose more money on the patients. However, under the Sherman Act section one it is illegal to raise prices, but when hospital organizations come together to lower prices they cannot be held accountable (Harris & American Bar Association, 2001). Therefore, it is imperative that the federal government corrects that mistake to ensure that the hospital organizations are regulated to ensure that they do not overprice their patients. This is because some of them may not even have the ability to pay for the little that is being asked by the hospital. Additionally, the issue of raising prices because of market dominance is not a role given to the Medicare as they set their prices unilaterally. Case law in the health care system have played a major role as precedents. This is because the federal and state courts have used them as reference to establish whether they have the same legal basis; hence, making it easy for them to solve problems. For example, the case of Roe v. Wade has helped many jurisdiction to determine whether it is morally and ethically right to terminate a pregnancy and at what stage (Hyatt & Hopkins, 2012). This case has allowed the enactment of statutes that have safeguarded and guarantee the equal rights of women. Therefore, without the case law the justice system would delay in finding the correct way to make a ruling. For that reason, it is clear that case laws in the health care system have an imperative role in creating precedents that can be used. In my opinion, the case law that should be

Monday, September 23, 2019

Management Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Information Systems - Essay Example Moreover, virtual reality applies the use of head mounted display that accelerates immersion and eliminates any form of interference from the real world. Notably, augmented reality combine the use of real life images and the three major display techniques, unlike the virtual reality that displays graphic information on handheld display and physical objects (Viega, 2010). Question # 2 The augmented reality is more appealing to the marketers than virtual reality, since nearly everyone has already experienced it, and is appreciating its application. Moreover, it can be applied in numerous commercial fields including sports and games, image guided surgery in medical procedures, marketing among other industries sectors. Additionally, markers prefer AR technology since it can be manipulated to produce interesting images for interesting marketing especially the phone applications (Maclntosh, 2010). Question # 3 The augmented reality has found its applicability in the real estate marketing s ince it readily avails real estate information and listings using phone applications. Moreover, the incorporated phone applications are easy to use by the phone users e.g. in locating a real estate. Additionally, the AR technology has made it easy to use small photographs that can easily be incorporated in the phone applications showing the features of the real estate or the actual property. Other than the mentioned applications of AR technology, it can be used as maps incorporating routes within a section of the city, museum. Furthermore, it can be used in the hotel industry advertisement (Maclntosh, 2010). Reference Maclntosh R. S. (2010). â€Å"Portable Real Estate Listings with a Difference, â€Å"United States, NY: The New York Times. Viega A. (2010). â€Å"Augmented Reality For Real Estate Search,’ NY: Associated Press. Interactive Session: Management, â€Å"Piloting Valero with Real Time Management† Question # 1 The management team needs to address several is sues before developing the Valero’s dashboard. Among the issues is how efficient the dashboard will assist in the management of the organization (Henderson, 2009). How many managers will the dashboards availed in their offices? Moreover, if the dashboard is to be availed to the public, will the company records remain save? Additionally, will the dashboard compromise quality of production? Question # 2 The availability of the dashboard in the remote areas of the organization makes it possible for any form of deterioration of quality in the refining process to be easily identified and corrective measure taken as soon as possible (Kahn, 2010). Moreover, the dashboard quickly reveals the occurrence of any production measures thus quick corrective measures taken unlike undertaking manual operation to the plant in determining where the problem might have emerged. Question # 3 Since the dashboards are to be separated, each dashboard will only need to display certain information. For quality performance, the refining dashboard will only be required to display certain information for quality performance. The refining dashboard shows the information including history of production and the current production data (Kahn, 2010). This would facilitate comparison thus quality assessment and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Media Analysis and Engagement Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Media Analysis and Engagement Plan - Essay Example The product was able to win over many fans and boost sales due to its innovative features such as a large HD touch screen, rounded design, eye movement recognition and pop-up play features (Samsung Electronics, 2013). The successful release of the upgraded flagship product across the world prompted Samsung to create an even better version, the Samsung Galaxy S-IV, which is to be released sometime in 2013. However, speculations as to the product’s specifications and release date were already starting to creep up in the web, despite the South Korean company not fully disclosing about the product just yet. In order to curb the hype as well as to properly inform the public and the product’s targeted audience, a social media and traditional media engagement plan would be designed to create a smooth and problem-free product release for the Samsung Galaxy S-IV. Identified Target Audiences (Online and Offline) High-end devices such as smartphones are known to appeal to two majo r age groups which are known to be tech-savvy among most of the general public: the 15-34 age group and the 35+ age group, also known as the Generation Y’s (We Are Apps, 2013). This is explainable by the fact that both age groups grew up with a full knowledge about rapid technological advancements and are not shy from using them, aside from having the income to buy such devices. They are also the age group that mostly frequent online, and they are able to passively advertise products and services either by blogging about them or uploading the photos of products or logos. They are also receptive to offline advertisements such as traditional mass media approaches due to familiarity or frequent use at home, thus these other forms of media would work on them as well. As these two age groups use their preferred media, people around them or those that they know well also get easily informed since they are able to use all forms of communication, and would be able to relay informatio n to friends, families, co-workers, and other people within their network. This creates additional target audiences through passively advertising about products by telling others about their experiences (Benkler, 2006). Thus using both online and offline strategies could easily create a wider coverage not just of the two targeted age groups but also to other age groups by catching their interest, both by online networking strategies and the use of print, television, and radio ads. Proposed Story Angle for Target Audiences and Media Anticipating a fun and relaxing summer is the chosen theme for the media engagement plan, and an image of positivity, various new experiences and uplift would be most applicable. Whereas the previous smartphone had variable story angles due to an increased focus in the product’s innovative features, it would be better to create an atmosphere for the new product since it would mostly be sharing some similar features with its predecessor. By introduc ing the product as a great way to experience and capture summer, people would more likely recall light and positive experiences, which could draw them in to the product much further. To keep the interest of the public and the target audience, in using traditional visual media short advertisements that are serial in nature (e.g. open-ended) can be used, aside from just showing the product’s features plainly. Showing experiences that most can relate to would not only make the company seem much more in tune with

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Study in Sociology Essay Example for Free

A Study in Sociology Essay Suicide always fascinated academic researches for a long time however it is has been an area of study limited to the field of psychology. Sociology is a relatively new field of social sciences. It started looking into suicide, not just as a personal act, but as a social action which is not entirely divorced from social forces. This paper discusses pertinent studies on the phenomenon of suicide and seeks to present literatures concerning this act. Moreover, differing ideas and interpretations on suicide are presented to carefully elaborate different perspectives on the subject matter. A Study in Sociology Arguably the first person to connect suicide to the study of sociology is sociologist Emile Durkheim. He presented that although suicide is a personal choice of the individual, the act is not separated from the context of a society. He looked into pre-existing records and analyzed suicide trends in different societies. Based on these suicide trends, there are four classifications of suicide: 1) Egoistic; 2) Altruistic; 3) Anomic and; 4) Fatalistic. Social cohesion plays a vital role in Durkheim’s theories on suicide. Egoistic suicide occurs when a person has a relatively low degree of integration into a society. On the other hand, a high degree of integration into a society can also result in suicides that are meant for a higher cause within a society. He also argued that changes in social order and the individual’s perception towards social change would explain anomic suicides. The phenomenon of fatalism takes place in extreme social contexts, where a person would decide on killing himself rather than suffering dire social conditions (Durkheim, 1951). Self and Society From an object of study limited to psychology, suicide became a subject of sociology. Durkheim’s research proved that the traditional perspective that view the subject matter as a psychological behavior and entirely individualistic in nature is a constricted framework when looking into suicide. This implies that social structures, social forces as well as social conflicts and changes are intervening factors in a suicide phenomenon. C. Wright Mills (2000) supported that one cannot separate behaviors and actions of an individual from the larger social context. He wrote that â€Å"the personal troubles of the milieu are connected to the public issues of social structure. † The individual committing suicide must therefore be located in his social as well as historical contexts. Current Trends on Suicide Studies After Mills and Durkheim laid the foundations of suicide as a sociological subject, numerous studies concerning suicide have been conducted in both psychology and sociology. Currently, suicide studies are interconnected with other factors such as gender, poverty, small arms, mental disorders and even medicine. It is now linked to modernity (Baudelot and Establet, 2008), attitudes and experiences of oncology patients (Emanuel, Fairclough, Daniels Clarridge, 1996), a demographic-specific trend such as adolescents (Brent, et. al. , 1988), cultural forces (West, 2005), economic conditions (Ruhm, 2000), as well as access to weapons (Brent, et. al. 1991). Suicide and Modernity Baudelot and Establet (2008) worked with Durkheim’s premises in their study of suicide. They stated that â€Å"The link between suicide, affluence and individualism is more complex—suicide rates do reflect broad social trends but they are also influenced by the structural position and lived experience of small social groups. The notion of social well-being is demonstrated to be a key factor in changes in suicide rates. † While sociology itself cannot accurately predict a suicide case, the collective gathering of these cases provides a fertile ground for sociological interpretations. Modernity is a historical as well as social era where social changes occur and these cases of suicide are descriptive of their milieu. Suicide, seen as such in the context of modernity, is a social fact. It describes the changes that occurred during the time of modernity. Societies that are rigid in its goals during the time of modernity are those that adamantly pursued modernization. It is in this context that suicide rates are known to be higher in the Communist Bloc, China and India (Baudelot and Establet, 2008). Economics and Suicide While both affluent and starving groups of individuals commit suicide, the role of economics cannot be downplayed in the study of suicide. On the macro-economic level, the period of modernity prominently features suicide trends in a time where economies were vibrant and booming. On the other hand, a stagnating economy, such as in a recession, also has an effect on suicide. Ruhm (2000) argues that â€Å"unemployment is negatively correlated to mortality and that unemployment is positively correlated to suicide. † In Japan, suicide is seen in a cultural context. Since individuals in the Japanese society are strongly connected to their social, political and cultural spheres, there is tendency for the push and pull of altruistic-egoistic suicide to occur. This is seen when the rule of law in Japanese society permeates the personal sphere such that debts and divorces are major factors affecting suicide (West, 2005). Suicide and Norms Sociology also attempted to explain suicide in a broader sense—by zooming out of the individual and focusing on social factors that affect the phenomenon. Psychology argues that those committing suicide are psychologically ill or that the individuals committing them are inept in their coping mechanisms. While suicide might seem irrational, there are rational premises that are least likely explored. Societies that are relatively more tolerant of suicide, as well as the individual’s cognitive ability to rationalize the act are also extraordinary factors contributing to suicide trends. Rendering rational suicide normative in a society creates the positive feedback mechanism necessary for a rational suicide to occur. This type of suicide is also surprisingly limited to a specific demographic, namely the educated and successful. Rationality of Suicide One of the fundamental question relating suicide and society lies in the rationality of the act. Is the act ‘rational’ based only on the perceptions and actions of the individual, thereby rendering the act an exclusive study within psychology? Or is this rationality of the act itself being defined not only in terms of the individual’s values but a rationality that is predetermined by the values and norms of a society? Although there are many reasons for suicide, there are factors that least likely determine suicidal trends, but are potent social forces (i. e. education, family, religion) that must be considered. Suicide occurs for a number of reasons such as depression, substance abuse, shame, avoiding pain, financial difficulties or other undesirable fates. † Defying the commonplace definition is the concept of rational suicide. Rational suicide is â€Å"ending ones life out of a conviction that one has lived long enough, that the likely future holds more pain than joy† (Lerner, 2004). Surprisingly, rationality of a suicide act Keown (1995) showed that there is prime value placed on the moral intention behind the act of death itself. This applies not just in euthanasia but also in rational suicide. What are the intentions behind the suicide? Is the decision independent of life’s problems that can be solved? Is it free from outside pressure from a belief system, mores or culture itself? This is the litmus test of the rationality or irrationality of suicides. Sociological and psychological studies attempted to look into the duality of forces working on suicides—individual and social. It is arguably psycho-social factors that are deterministic of the suicide trends across societies. Social institutions, many sociological studies posit, are playing a huge role in the nature and type of suicides in a given society. Stack and Kposowa (2008) concludes that: â€Å"National suicide rates are predictive of individual-level suicide acceptability. However, the main predictors of suicide acceptability included a measure from social learning theory, religiosity, and a neglected measure of control theory, life satisfaction. † While the act of committing suicide is a very individualistic act, there are factors to be considered that are social forces with repercussions and influences on individual action. The act of suicide presents how the personal milieu is linked to the larger issues within the social institutions. References: Baudelot C. and Establet R. (2008) Suicide: The Hidden Side of Modernity. John Wiley Publications. Brent, D. A. , Perper, J. A. , Goldstein, C. E. , Kolko, D. J. , Allan, M. J. , Allman, C. J. , and Zelenak, J. P. (1988) Risk factors for adolescent suicide. A comparison of adolescent suicide victims with suicidal inpatients. Archives of General Psychiatry. Vol. 45, No. 6, June 1988.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Frito Lay Company: Cracker Jack Case Analysis

Frito Lay Company: Cracker Jack Case Analysis Frito-Lay is worldwide leader in snack manufacturing and marketing. It represented 54 percent of retail sales of snack chips in United States, making it leader in that category. Frito-Lay is division of PepsiCo. Inc and in 1996 represented 31 percent of PepsiCos net sales and 60 percent of PepsiCos operating profit (Kerin Peterson, 2010). Some of popular brands of Frio-Lay are Lays and Ruffles, Doritos, Tostitos, Potato chips, Cheetos, Sun Chips and Funyuns onion-flavored snacks. During 1990s majority of Frito-Lays growth was attributed to its low-fat and no-fat snacks such as Baked Lays potato crisps, Baked Tostitos tortilla chips, and Rold Gold pretzels. Frito-Lay has extensive manufacturing infrastructure with 45 manufacturing plants in 26 states, including worlds largest snack food plan in Frankfort, Indiana. It has extensive warehouses and distribution facilities as well with more than 1,800 in number and 17,500 salespeople who make 750,000 sales and delivery calls on approx 35 0,000 retail store customers each week (Kerin Peterson, 2010). It also is one of leading national advertisers in the United States. Borden Foods Cracker Jack is one of leading brand in Ready-To-Eat (RTE) caramel popcorn category. Because of Bordens strategic decision to focus its resources on pasta business and grain-meals, which needs significant resource investment, it has decided to divest Cracker Jack and related assets. Frito-Lays New Ventures Division, which seeks and creates new business platform and products to grow business (Kerin Peterson, 2010), evaluating purchase of Cracker Jack brand to grow Frito-Lays business. Problem Identification Ready to Eat (RTE) caramel popcorn product category has several different types of competitors; national brand firms, seasonal/specialty firms, regional firms and private label firms. Cracker Jack is national brand and its biggest competing brand is Crunch n Munch from International Foods Home Inc. In 1996 dollar sales market share of Cracker Jack was 26% whereas Crunch n Munch enjoyed 32% of market share (Kerin Peterson, 2010). Generally RTE caramel popcorn is viewed as undermarketed category, especially Cracker Jack spent far less in media advertising compared to Crunch n Munch. Because of reasons mentioned above and several other reasons Cracker Jack is seen by consumer as a brand which has lost momentum. Frito-Lay has decided to purchase Cracker Jack brand and regaining this momentum is key factor. Identifying the Root Problem Components Cracker Jack brand has universal awareness, however its seen as traditional and old fashioned, and less contemporary than Crunch n Munch. Although there are several Cracker Jack products such as Cracker Jack Fat Free, Butter Toffee, and Nutty Deluxe, consumer awareness of these is below 50 percent. Although consumers are aware of Cracker Jack brand largely because of its heritage, only 7.1 percent of U.S. household consumes it primarily because a) they dont think about it as they dont see advertisements b) unavailable where they shop and c) they see it as too expensive and say boxes are not large enough. Components of root problem which Frito-Lay needs to tackle are premium price of Cracker Jack, extend Cracker jack trademark and revitalize Cracker Jacks base business. To do this it needs to expand distribution of Cracker Jack, develop new packaging and flavors (and at same time reduce SKUs which are not popular. It has 32 SKUs), impactful product positioning, increase consumer advertisement and establish price leadership. SWOT Analysis Strengths: Frito-Lay has strong strong-door-delivery sales force. Executives are very proactive and detailed in projects they undertake, project Bingo is good example of it. Frito-Lays extensive sales and distribution infrastructure and manufacturing facilities. Leading national advertiser in dollars spent and creative execution. Frito-Lays brand name reputation and its strong presence in consumer food business. Opportunities: Addition of new product category allows Frito-Lay to reach out to new customers for its existing brands. Cracker Jack brand equity gives opportunity to Frito-Lay to start selling its existing brand in new markets. Extended product line and market share provides Frito-Lay with more negotiation power with retailers. Extend Frito-Lay brand presence in vending machines. Weaknesses: Cracker Jack brand is considered traditional and old fashioned. Cracker Jack is premium priced brand and its price has risen by 5 to 6 percent per year since 1993. Frito-Lays inexperience in RTE caramel popcorn product category. Negative direct product contribution for year 1994,1995,1996 gives negative impression of product Threats: Strong competition from International Home Foods, Inc. (Crunch n Munch brand) Competitors could outbid Frito-Lay to acquire Cracker Jack. Increase in health consciousness among consumers could impact Cracker Jack sales, unless consumer perception changes to consider it as low-fat RTE. Retailers might not be willing to give shelf space, considering popularity and sales of Crunch n Munch. Evaluation of Alternatives Frito-Lay has three options to expand its growth. First, expand its existing snack business by exploring new eating occasions for its existing or new products. Second, enter new product category by capitalizing on its existing strength. Third, called Opportunistic acquisitions, where Frito-Lay would acquire related food company specific brands or entire business. Frito-Lay has already penetrated market with its strong brand name, sales and distribution infrastructure and advertisement therefore first option would be stretch and require lot of creative ideas and dollars. Entering new product category is risky due to inexperience in those categories and strong well established competition therefore second option has high risks. Acquisition of new brand or company would bring its own challenges such as corporate cultural challenge but will also give head start in entering new product category. Recommendation Considering various options, Frito-Lay should go with third option; acquire brand or entire new business, especially when Borden intends to divest the Cracker Jack Brand, which has very high brand awareness. Frito-Lay should integrate sales and distribution of Cracker Jack with Frito-Lay brands and place Cracker Jack on Salty Snack Aisle. Doing so would send signal to consumers that Cracker Jack is now part of well known brand which is progressive and will be easily accessible to consumers. For first year it should primarily focus on 8-oz Bag-in-Box product so that consumers can relate Cracker Jack with good tasting product which is relatively cheaper. Consumer Advertisement should be done aggressively so that consumers see it and remember to purchase it. For this, Frito-Lay should spend $22 million in Advertising and Promotion for 8-oz Bag-in-Box. This effort is expected to bring $83.4 million in sales. It should spend $15 million in advertisement and promotion of 7-oz Flex Bag, whi ch is expected to bring $77.1 million of sales. Using this combination of promotional activities, consumers will remember Cracker Jack brand and when they go to purchase it they would have accessibility to 8-oz and 7-oz Cracker Jack bags in same location along with Frito-Lay brands. To make sure resources are focused on re-establishing Cracker Jack prestige to contemporary consumer base, it should cut down SKUs from 32 to 12. This would enable sales distribution department of Frito-Lay to use existing infrastructure to distribute Cracker Jack to almost all market segments. Frito-Lay should not purchase manufacturing facility of Cracker Jack brand, rather utilize its own manufacturing facility and extend it to package Cracker Jack brand. This would ensure consistency of machinery, maintain good business relationship with current machine supplier and enable utilization of existing trained workforce. In second and third year, additional Cracker Jack flavors should be introduced in market and aggressive consumer advertisement should be done in range of $32 million. Executing these strategies would help growth of Frito-Lay by entering in new consumer product category.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Civil Rights Movement Essay -- Black struggle for civil rights in

In a Democracy the majority does not need any protection, because it is the majority which has control. However, as seen through history, even majorities can be tyrannical, and the minority needs protection from them. â€Å"Civil rights† is the term used when speaking of the privileges, immunities, and practices of freedom which are protected from violation by other citizens. That is the definition of civil rights, although when most people think of civil rights they instantly think it means black civil rights. This is understandable since blacks, more than any other minority group in America, have had the toughest and therefore the best known struggle for equal rights. This is due to the fact that most of the majority believed that when the people in the minority group are of another color, they are also different in other ways, and therefore, not entitled to quite the same rights and privileges. This belief was not limited to just the South. Discrimination has always been pervasive throughout all of Western civilization. This racist ideology has held the African Americans down in America for many years. It was not more than 150 years ago that Blacks were considered so inferior that they were held as slaves. African Americans have fought hard against the overwhelming racist powers to earn the rights that they have now. To say it has been a battle for civil rights is an understatement. It has been a hard fought war. A battle implies one fight, one clash. But it has taken fight after fight for African Americans to earn their freedom and equal rights. After earning freedom from slavery, Blacks fought for more than one hundred years to be considered equals in society. That struggle reached its climax during the1960s, when the biggest gains in the area of civil rights were made. Up to that time blacks and whites remained separate and blacks were still treated as inferiors. Everything from water fountains to city parks was segregated. Signs that read, â€Å"whites only, no coloreds† were all too commonplace on the doors of stores and restaurants throughout the southern states. Blacks and whites went to different schools where black children would have classes in shabby classrooms with poor, secondhand supplies. These are just a few examples of some of the many racial discriminations which blacks once had to face in America prior to the 1960s. ... , 1990 This was also a pretty decent book. It was also not very substantive and is young adult/moron reading level. Although it is a simple, easy read, it did have some very interesting anecdotes which provide very good insight into King’s life which is not available anywhere else I looked Lewis, David L.- King:Critical Biography: Praeger Publishers: New York/Washington 1970- This was a very useful book. It provided some very good information on King. Although it is an extremely hard read it was very, very helpful. Current, Williams, Freidel, Brinkley. American History A Survey New York: Alfred A. Knopf inc, 1983-Used the textbook for info on the civil rights and King Haskins, James The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. New York:, Beach Tree Books 1977- This was a fair book. Has a nice biography but lacks anything real original. It was really just another bland King Biography that is just the facts and no real opinions or insight. Paris,Peter,. Black Religious Leaders New York: Westminster John Knox inc, 1991 –good book for my comparative analysis of King and X. Really provided insight into Malcolm’s beliefs and how they contrasted with King’s. The Civil Rights Movement Essay -- Black struggle for civil rights in In a Democracy the majority does not need any protection, because it is the majority which has control. However, as seen through history, even majorities can be tyrannical, and the minority needs protection from them. â€Å"Civil rights† is the term used when speaking of the privileges, immunities, and practices of freedom which are protected from violation by other citizens. That is the definition of civil rights, although when most people think of civil rights they instantly think it means black civil rights. This is understandable since blacks, more than any other minority group in America, have had the toughest and therefore the best known struggle for equal rights. This is due to the fact that most of the majority believed that when the people in the minority group are of another color, they are also different in other ways, and therefore, not entitled to quite the same rights and privileges. This belief was not limited to just the South. Discrimination has always been pervasive throughout all of Western civilization. This racist ideology has held the African Americans down in America for many years. It was not more than 150 years ago that Blacks were considered so inferior that they were held as slaves. African Americans have fought hard against the overwhelming racist powers to earn the rights that they have now. To say it has been a battle for civil rights is an understatement. It has been a hard fought war. A battle implies one fight, one clash. But it has taken fight after fight for African Americans to earn their freedom and equal rights. After earning freedom from slavery, Blacks fought for more than one hundred years to be considered equals in society. That struggle reached its climax during the1960s, when the biggest gains in the area of civil rights were made. Up to that time blacks and whites remained separate and blacks were still treated as inferiors. Everything from water fountains to city parks was segregated. Signs that read, â€Å"whites only, no coloreds† were all too commonplace on the doors of stores and restaurants throughout the southern states. Blacks and whites went to different schools where black children would have classes in shabby classrooms with poor, secondhand supplies. These are just a few examples of some of the many racial discriminations which blacks once had to face in America prior to the 1960s. ... , 1990 This was also a pretty decent book. It was also not very substantive and is young adult/moron reading level. Although it is a simple, easy read, it did have some very interesting anecdotes which provide very good insight into King’s life which is not available anywhere else I looked Lewis, David L.- King:Critical Biography: Praeger Publishers: New York/Washington 1970- This was a very useful book. It provided some very good information on King. Although it is an extremely hard read it was very, very helpful. Current, Williams, Freidel, Brinkley. American History A Survey New York: Alfred A. Knopf inc, 1983-Used the textbook for info on the civil rights and King Haskins, James The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. New York:, Beach Tree Books 1977- This was a fair book. Has a nice biography but lacks anything real original. It was really just another bland King Biography that is just the facts and no real opinions or insight. Paris,Peter,. Black Religious Leaders New York: Westminster John Knox inc, 1991 –good book for my comparative analysis of King and X. Really provided insight into Malcolm’s beliefs and how they contrasted with King’s.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Pact Analysis Essay -- Essays Papers

The Pact Analysis Friendship is the support for most great inspiration. Friendship creates peer pressure, both positive and negative, and it is nearly unavoidable in everyday life. The author’s of The Pact were raised in the streets of Newark, New Jersey. They were faced with many dangerous decisions. Despite many tremendous distractions, they were able to apply knowledge gained from friendship and experience to help them through their lives to propel them to where they are today. As a child, I felt that having friends was the most significant cause in who I am today. Throughout my life I have had many friends who have influenced me in numerous ways, but now most of them have become distant acquaintances. Although the majority of these people have very little communication with me now, only a few childhood friends continue to still be a part of my life now. The most frequent is my first and best friend, Matt. Somehow this name creates a pattern that continues to show up all over my life. It seems that all of the closest friends that I have had in my life have this name. The communication between Matt and I was amazing and our connection was extraordinary. Matt and I were ten years old and we spoke to each other in a language that only we knew. The language was created out of personal words or phrases that we created to describe situations. Our understanding of life was endorsed by rare bonds, and close family relationships. The two of us became undividable when we first met in kindergarten. Matt’s parents were older in age than my parents. I thought his father to be a strict family figure, because of his experience as a retired PA State Policemen, and his hat that he wore proudly all the time displaying in large words â€Å"Vietnam Veteran†. His mom was very opposite in comparison with his father. She was pleasant and she seemed to take on situations with ease. Matt was a full year older than me, he was the last child in a family of four. His siblings were twofold his age, and I feel this significantly impacted the two of us. Much like Sam, Rameck, and George, the authors of The Pact, I was able to see and understand at a young age much of what could become of me by observing and learning what much of what my family, Matt’s family, and many of the neighbors around me had to teach. George, one of the authors of The Pact, tells how h... ... my old school that had now been taken away from me in my new school. Students wore more fashionable clothes, and their attitude was different from what I was used to. They were more arrogant and I didn’t know why. This new atmosphere was challenging, and because I hadn’t grown up in the area, I became lost. I remained alone, only talking to Matt over the internet, but after a couple years we simply grew distant. I was without a stable friendship, and because of this I was almost easily manipulated. George, one of the authors of The Pact, explains this situation by stating â€Å"[i]n my experience, friends have more influence on one another’s lives than most anyone else does especially in those teenage years when kids are trying to discover who they really are† (107). I, like the author’s of The Pact, gave in to peer pressure and in time learned many lessons. In order to be successful in life, you need to have positive influences, whether it is friends, nature, or family. Everyone at some point in time will suffer from not having these influences. The reality is that no matter what the circumstances, with the right attitude and determination, you can succeed and be successful. The Pact Analysis Essay -- Essays Papers The Pact Analysis Friendship is the support for most great inspiration. Friendship creates peer pressure, both positive and negative, and it is nearly unavoidable in everyday life. The author’s of The Pact were raised in the streets of Newark, New Jersey. They were faced with many dangerous decisions. Despite many tremendous distractions, they were able to apply knowledge gained from friendship and experience to help them through their lives to propel them to where they are today. As a child, I felt that having friends was the most significant cause in who I am today. Throughout my life I have had many friends who have influenced me in numerous ways, but now most of them have become distant acquaintances. Although the majority of these people have very little communication with me now, only a few childhood friends continue to still be a part of my life now. The most frequent is my first and best friend, Matt. Somehow this name creates a pattern that continues to show up all over my life. It seems that all of the closest friends that I have had in my life have this name. The communication between Matt and I was amazing and our connection was extraordinary. Matt and I were ten years old and we spoke to each other in a language that only we knew. The language was created out of personal words or phrases that we created to describe situations. Our understanding of life was endorsed by rare bonds, and close family relationships. The two of us became undividable when we first met in kindergarten. Matt’s parents were older in age than my parents. I thought his father to be a strict family figure, because of his experience as a retired PA State Policemen, and his hat that he wore proudly all the time displaying in large words â€Å"Vietnam Veteran†. His mom was very opposite in comparison with his father. She was pleasant and she seemed to take on situations with ease. Matt was a full year older than me, he was the last child in a family of four. His siblings were twofold his age, and I feel this significantly impacted the two of us. Much like Sam, Rameck, and George, the authors of The Pact, I was able to see and understand at a young age much of what could become of me by observing and learning what much of what my family, Matt’s family, and many of the neighbors around me had to teach. George, one of the authors of The Pact, tells how h... ... my old school that had now been taken away from me in my new school. Students wore more fashionable clothes, and their attitude was different from what I was used to. They were more arrogant and I didn’t know why. This new atmosphere was challenging, and because I hadn’t grown up in the area, I became lost. I remained alone, only talking to Matt over the internet, but after a couple years we simply grew distant. I was without a stable friendship, and because of this I was almost easily manipulated. George, one of the authors of The Pact, explains this situation by stating â€Å"[i]n my experience, friends have more influence on one another’s lives than most anyone else does especially in those teenage years when kids are trying to discover who they really are† (107). I, like the author’s of The Pact, gave in to peer pressure and in time learned many lessons. In order to be successful in life, you need to have positive influences, whether it is friends, nature, or family. Everyone at some point in time will suffer from not having these influences. The reality is that no matter what the circumstances, with the right attitude and determination, you can succeed and be successful.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chernobyl :: essays research papers

Chernobyl   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chernobyl was the greatest nuclear disaster of the 20th century. On April 26th, 1986, one of four nuclear reactors located in the Soviet Union melted down and contaminated a vast area of Eastern Europe. The meltdown, a result of human error, lapsed safety precautions, and lack of a containment vessel, was barely contained by dropping sand and releasing huge amounts of deadly radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere. The resulting contamination killed or injured hundreds of thousands of people and devastated the environment. The affects of this accident are still being felt today and will be felt for generations to come.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nuclear power has always been a controversial issue because of its inherent danger and the amount of waste that the plants produce. Once considered a relatively safe form for generating energy, nuclear power has caused more problems than it has solved. While it has reduced the amount of traditional natural resources (fossil fuels), used to generate power like coal, wood, and oil, nuclear generating plants have become anachronisms. Maintaining them and keeping them safe has become a problem of immense proportion. As the plants age and other technology becomes available, what to do with these â€Å"eyesores† is a consuming issue for many government agencies and environmental groups. No one knows what to do about the problem and in many areas of the world, another nuclear meltdown is an accident waiting to happen. Despite a vast array of safety measures, a break in reactor pipe or a leak in a containment vessel, could spell another environmental disaster for t he world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In addition to the potential dangers of accidents in generating stations, nuclear waste is a continuing problem that is growing exponentially. Nuclear waste can remain radioactive for about 600 years and disposing these wastes or storing them is an immense problem. Everyone wants the energy generated by power plants, but no one wants to take responsibility for the waste. Thus far, it is stored deep in the earth, but these storage areas are potentially dangerous and will eventually run out. Some have suggested sending the waste into space, but no one is sure of the repercussions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nuclear power plants should be dismantled and replaced with safer energy generating sources.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Edible Arrangements

The Brand Reputation: – Edible arrangements offer many different varieties of fresh fruits with chocolate dipping. They are very unique and have new concepts, this makes them add value to reputation of their brand. Their main strength is an ingenious approach to fresh foods. Fresh fruits are always healthy more the less fresh fruits with chocolate dipping adds to the luscious delight. The artistic works on the fruits makes it more appealing for a normal trespasser as well . It invokes a wow factor for the clients. Customers are highly satisfied with their artefact as well as aliments and are driven back with the urge for more.The flexible price factor also attracts more customers to Edible arrangements. The customer service provides the clients with the best hospitality and gives you an open choice of tasting your goodies before you intend to buy them . While marketing through this strategy of try and buy attracts the clients to buy more of their products and increases the sal es for the company. The hospitality of the company also creates a warm and a welcoming atmosphere which serves as a major point in retaining the customers. A more customer friendly environment with the best products of fair pricing is what stand as the strength of the joint.Moving on to the weakness of the company, The company offers only limited products and needs to diversify on the overall products produced. This will attract more clients and increase the sales. Edible arrangements have very little awareness on the open community and hence this will lead to customer reduction. A restricted marketing and financial plan will affect the company growth. Edible arrangements need to rethink on their promotion strategies and increase awareness among the public people. This will make them competitive against the heavy competition in the market.Since the company focuses on fresh and high quality products their lifetime will not be long. And hence has to sold out quickly, if not it will be considered as waste. Also adding on to this point the delivery of the products will also be a hazard and can be done only for short distance since the products are fresh and has to be consumed quickly. There will not be an extraordinary support from the finance point of view since the business is on the verge of being a established well in the market and hence backing will be limited. The overall number of stores in the country is marginable.However the need to promote their business and manage the flourishing demand, establishment of more stores will led to increase in its customers. Limited working hours during the day needs to be increased in order to complete the products and manage the delivery time for the customers. Analyzing the Opportunities of the edible arrangements are the following The fresh fruits are mostly loved by everyone and wide range of people will be interested in such health conscious products. This will boost the company in their growth. Their unique idea on fresh fruits is totally a new innovative and different concept.This leads to increased stakeholders. The other opportunity for edible products is to redesign their gift basket and make it novel. They should also concentrate on continuous improvement of their products and have consistent variety. Special packages and gifts must be offered during festival times to attract more clients. Festival season must have number employees working since the number of orders will increase and there will be high demand for the products. The locality and ambiance of the stores must have high standard of quality so that it can accommodate more number of customers and have less waiting time.Hospitality must be at the peak even during those times to retain the customers even in crowded hours. Franchise can be sold to common people who are willing to make the edible arrangements proud and widen their business. This strategy will lead you to a next platform and increase the growth. It is important to ha ve collaboration with third parties and promote the business to next level in order to be in the top markets. This will also help you build a good reputation and increase awareness among the people. Opportunities also exist for Edible Arrangements to continue to expand into a younger demographic market segment.As noted in the previous section, North American youth are becoming increasingly health conscious and paying closer attention to the nutritional content of their food more than ever before. Edible Arrangements should remain highly active on social media sites, and maintain their innovative, fresh and colourful promotional campaigns to keep expanding their brand awareness and tapping into different market segments, particularly young adults and teenagers. And concluding on the threats caused to edible arrangements, Competition is regarded as one of the major threats to edible arrangements.There will also be new competitors and they will tend to copy the ideas of products and tr y to dominate the existing competitors. There will be price variance on the products and hence the customers will look onto this factor as well. Since edible arrangements have high standard of quality it will remain a difficult competitor in maintaining good quality and also compete with the low cost competitors. There will be a threat to study the variance in the market and what the clients are expecting, in order to thrive market domination.It is also be possible in customer reduction, this terms of self preparation of the commodities by the regular consumers as it is easy to make. This can prevented to a approximate level by making the exclusive recipes and maintain secrecy in minute detailing of the products which makes the sold commodities by Edible arrangements unique. Since edible arrangements is a small company there are greater risks that larger companies will begin to offer similar products and services thus this will be a big threat to edible arrangements. Edible Arrangements The Brand Reputation: – Edible arrangements offer many different varieties of fresh fruits with chocolate dipping. They are very unique and have new concepts, this makes them add value to reputation of their brand. Their main strength is an ingenious approach to fresh foods. Fresh fruits are always healthy more the less fresh fruits with chocolate dipping adds to the luscious delight. The artistic works on the fruits makes it more appealing for a normal trespasser as well . It invokes a wow factor for the clients. Customers are highly satisfied with their artefact as well as aliments and are driven back with the urge for more.The flexible price factor also attracts more customers to Edible arrangements. The customer service provides the clients with the best hospitality and gives you an open choice of tasting your goodies before you intend to buy them . While marketing through this strategy of try and buy attracts the clients to buy more of their products and increases the sal es for the company. The hospitality of the company also creates a warm and a welcoming atmosphere which serves as a major point in retaining the customers. A more customer friendly environment with the best products of fair pricing is what stand as the strength of the joint.Moving on to the weakness of the company, The company offers only limited products and needs to diversify on the overall products produced. This will attract more clients and increase the sales. Edible arrangements have very little awareness on the open community and hence this will lead to customer reduction. A restricted marketing and financial plan will affect the company growth. Edible arrangements need to rethink on their promotion strategies and increase awareness among the public people. This will make them competitive against the heavy competition in the market.Since the company focuses on fresh and high quality products their lifetime will not be long. And hence has to sold out quickly, if not it will be considered as waste. Also adding on to this point the delivery of the products will also be a hazard and can be done only for short distance since the products are fresh and has to be consumed quickly. There will not be an extraordinary support from the finance point of view since the business is on the verge of being a established well in the market and hence backing will be limited. The overall number of stores in the country is marginable.However the need to promote their business and manage the flourishing demand, establishment of more stores will led to increase in its customers. Limited working hours during the day needs to be increased in order to complete the products and manage the delivery time for the customers. Analyzing the Opportunities of the edible arrangements are the following The fresh fruits are mostly loved by everyone and wide range of people will be interested in such health conscious products. This will boost the company in their growth. Their unique idea on fresh fruits is totally a new innovative and different concept.This leads to increased stakeholders. The other opportunity for edible products is to redesign their gift basket and make it novel. They should also concentrate on continuous improvement of their products and have consistent variety. Special packages and gifts must be offered during festival times to attract more clients. Festival season must have number employees working since the number of orders will increase and there will be high demand for the products. The locality and ambiance of the stores must have high standard of quality so that it can accommodate more number of customers and have less waiting time.Hospitality must be at the peak even during those times to retain the customers even in crowded hours. Franchise can be sold to common people who are willing to make the edible arrangements proud and widen their business. This strategy will lead you to a next platform and increase the growth. It is important to ha ve collaboration with third parties and promote the business to next level in order to be in the top markets. This will also help you build a good reputation and increase awareness among the people. Opportunities also exist for Edible Arrangements to continue to expand into a younger demographic market segment.As noted in the previous section, North American youth are becoming increasingly health conscious and paying closer attention to the nutritional content of their food more than ever before. Edible Arrangements should remain highly active on social media sites, and maintain their innovative, fresh and colourful promotional campaigns to keep expanding their brand awareness and tapping into different market segments, particularly young adults and teenagers. And concluding on the threats caused to edible arrangements, Competition is regarded as one of the major threats to edible arrangements.There will also be new competitors and they will tend to copy the ideas of products and tr y to dominate the existing competitors. There will be price variance on the products and hence the customers will look onto this factor as well. Since edible arrangements have high standard of quality it will remain a difficult competitor in maintaining good quality and also compete with the low cost competitors. There will be a threat to study the variance in the market and what the clients are expecting, in order to thrive market domination.It is also be possible in customer reduction, this terms of self preparation of the commodities by the regular consumers as it is easy to make. This can prevented to a approximate level by making the exclusive recipes and maintain secrecy in minute detailing of the products which makes the sold commodities by Edible arrangements unique. Since edible arrangements is a small company there are greater risks that larger companies will begin to offer similar products and services thus this will be a big threat to edible arrangements.

Good Will Hunting Biopsychological Approach Essay

The biopshychological approach to Will’s behavior would suggest that he is like he is because of his brain chemistry. The chemicals in his brain cause him to respond violently to pressure. The make up of his genetics cause him to be the way he is and he would be this way no matter how he was raised. This approach would also suggest that he could be changed by drugs to balance the chemicals in his brain. Behavioral Approach: The behavioral approach would imply that all of Will’s behavior is learned and he is a product of his environment. He is violent because he was probably beaten as a child and as he grew up he learned to handle his problems through violence. He kept up this behavior because he was never punished severely enough to get him to stop. He learned that he could go to court and talk his way out of his situations which did not give him any reason to stop doing what he was doing. He also learned not to get to close to anybody or open up to them. This was learn ed because some of the people in his life who were supposed to love him had abandoned him. Psychoanalitic Approach: The psychoanalitic approach would indicate that Will’s behavior was from his subconscious mind and were impulses from childhood experiences. For example, Will was beaten up in kindergarten by a bully, later on in his life he sees the bully and starts a fight with him. His decision to fight was made subconsciously from an impulse from a childhood experience. When he was a child he was also abused by his parents. Later in Will’s life, he often resorts to violence subconsciously due to his childhood beatings. Humanistic Approach: The humanistic approach would state that Will makes his decisions based on free will and is basically a good person. Will is how he is because that is how he wants to be. Will does not realize until later in life that he has to much potential to waste his life. Will is an overall good person. This is shown in his in his actions throughout the movie, for example, when he decided to keep working construction instead of takin g a job with military intelligence because he would rather help people by making housing than get people killed. Cognitive Approach: The cognitive approach would suggest Will is how he is because that is how he sees himself. Will is a well educated man but for most of the movie Will sees himself as a nobody who will work for cheap and stay in the ghetto. Once his intelligence is noticed realizes that he has the opportunity to use his knowledge and make something of himself. Sociocultural Approach: The sociocultural approach would say that Will is how he is because of influences from society. Society usually views people from the ghetto as people who will never make something of themselves so he feels the same way about himself. Society expects people from the ghetto to resort to violence to solve their problems. This is why Will usually resorts to violence in tough situations. Society also does not allow for men to open up and share their feeling freely. This is the reason why it is so hard for will to open up and get emotional.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Case Study of Architect Christopher Lee

Undertaking Speculating Architecture IntroductionThis undertaking attempts to convey an apprehension of architect’s architectural theory through a direct observation and analysis of his ego and edifices. Architecture and urban signifiers in relation to architectural theories is discussed in the undermentioned authorship. The relationship between architecture and its societal, cultural and rational context is besides analyzed and critiqued in the authorship to construe the architect’s architecture in relation to relevant theories within the modern-day. Architect Christopher Lee is selected to discourse his architecture in relation with theories. He is the co-founder of Serie Architects, taking his design squad in London, Mumbai and Beijing together with his spouse Kapil Gupta, doing a grade for him all over the universe. He is a really experient international pattern based in London and has interesting working experience in his life of being a successful designer. His house involved in different undertaking all over the universe. Some representative plants of them include The Tote in India, BMW Olympic Pavilion in London, the Monsoon Club installing in United State and Yan ZhenQing Museum in China. Among Chris Lee’s popular plants, Aarvli Resort is selected to analyze and analyse its theories of architecture. Aarvli Resort is a 9000sqm Eco-resort, located within the Konkan seashore, the western coastline country of India. It is a new belongings of India by an International group of Resort, Formento Resorts. The sensitive design on the typography is the chief topographic point of this resort. The resort is presently afoot as of last month of building.ClimateAarvli resort, an Eco-resort, has designed responsively to the local clime of Goa, India. Goa, the smallest province in India by country, enjoys a tropical monsoon clime under the Koppen clime categorization that features a hot and humid conditions for most of the twelvemonth with two distinguishable seasons, the dry season and the monsoon season. As to plan the construction closely follow the contours of its mountain-side scene, the edifice has a compelling curvilineal program. The longitudinal lift of edifice is orientated to East and West to acquire the maximal usage of natural visible radiation. Due to its curvilineal signifier, the lifts of edifice are every bit exposed to maximum sunshine. However, Chris Lee has efficaciously uses the nature elements on site to minimise the heat addition to its edifice. Vegetation on site has shaded non merely the lift of edifice, it provides greenery position towards the suites and public infinites of the resort, gives merger of interior and exterior. Effective usage of courtyards and fanlight within the curvilinear program besides introduces indirect visible radiation into interior infinite, increases the light quality of infinites. The staggered placement of undulating landscape roof plane provides shadowing for lower rooftops and cut down solar addition, insulates from internal heat lose. Goa goes through the monsoon season at the center of twelvemonth, June till September. The degree of critical tropical conditions is reduced particularly July which the metropolis gets non more than three hours of sunshine per twenty-four hours. The metropolis receives maximal rainfall throughout the twelvemonth and pushes humidness up. The smooth curve signifier program which portion of the roof merged into the landscape equipped the roof with ‘nature gutter’ , reassigning the rain H2O flow to landscape environing during this season, with the aid of proper drainage system every bit good. Plants of green roof besides act as H2O soaking up every bit good as humid soaking up during this moisture and humid season of Goa. The typography of Maharashtra Coastal creates the phenomena of land and sea zephyr. Chris Lee has deliberated this natural phenomenon into his design. Round courtyard is designed to pull sea zephyr from west lift, unfastened pool and landscape to air out the edifice during twenty-four hours clip. Curve signifier of roof designed follows the air current motion to guarantee land zephyr ventilates the inside through courtyards during dark clip.Theories: Critical RegionalismIn Critical Analysis of â€Å"Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance, the 5th point indicated civilization versus nature: Topography, Context, Climate, Light and Tectonic Form.â€Å"Critical regionalism should follow modern architecture, critically, for its cosmopolitan progressive qualities but at the same clip value should be placed on the geographical context of the building† ( Frampton, 1981 )Emphasis, Frampton ( 1981 ) says,should be on topography, clime, visible radi ation ; on tectonic signifier instead than on scenography and should be on the sense of touch instead than ocular sense. In footings of civilization, the acceptance of local architecture layout has demonstrated in the planning of Aarvli Resort. In India traditional house Nakarattar house has inner and outer suites in the center of the program surrounded with few courtyards. Chris Lee imitates the similar form, Numberss of private invitee suites are planned together with an unfastened dining courtyard within a round layout of planning. Similar to Aarvli Town Hall, it is influenced by both Finnish slang architecture and the humanist Italian Renaissance. Aalto drew inspiration for the courtyard agreement in his edifice layout surrounded with the elevated courtyard. Building characteristics has been study to discourse on how these edifice designs has incorporated the civilization with its nature and environment. As Goa receives tropical weather’s which most of the months are exposed to sunlight, the acceptance of local architecture which courtyards and fanlights are features to present indirect sunshine into the enclosed inside. Enclosed private suites are planned in between the edifice to avoid direct heat addition from the conditions. While Saynatsalo town house located at Finland receives 4 seasons, Aalto has sufficient usage of fanlight to better the inside light quality during winter. â€Å"But underneath signifiers in all ages were certain conditions which determined the. In them allows all human spirit in agreement with which they came to be ; and where the signifiers were true signifiers, they will be found to be organic signifiers – an branch, in other words, of conditions of life and work they arose to express†Wright ( 1910 ) wrote on a monograph of his work published in Germany. Aarvli Resort defined as organic architecture non merely of its unstable signifier and curvilineal program, but besides on how the construction allows certain activities to take topographic point within in and around the environment of it. In-filled roof of Aarvli Resort looks like the construction is portion of the landscape. Chris Lee presents his edifice in wave-like sort of signifier as to unify context to the dramatically typography of Maharashtra. Chris Lee has sensitively taken consideration of nature context in footings of the circulation planning of the edifice . He plans that all public infinites include anteroom, dining country, and out-of-door activities are planned at ‘outer layer’ of the resort program to guarantee all infinites are surrounded by nature context, the flora and coastal. He wants to stress the interaction of nature with the inside, leting circulation to take topographic point in and around it. The Saynatsalo Town Hall by Alvar Aalto, is declared as organic architecture as good yet the edifice are purely rectilineal composings. The composing of Saynatsalo town house is performed in the manner of perpendicular and horizontal, following the verticalness of wooded hillside of Saynatsalo. He planned the private infinites, the flats, into the wooded hillside of Saynatsalo which does non let effectual circulation but provide good position to abodes of level. At the same clip public infinites include town hall, stores, and library are placed towards land land which provide equal circulation. Puting of courtyard as C entre of program besides provides public circulation within private territory. In comparison, both designers have planned the infinites respectfully with site typology. 2.3 Design Strategy: Typography Aarvli Resort is designed utilizing an advanced program that makes the construction blend in respectfully with the environing natural environment without giving the spacial qualities that allow visitants to bask their stay to the upper limit. Curvilineal circulation spinal column is used to specify a series of public and private infinite. As discussed in subject before, Chris Lee has take consideration of nature context into its circulation planning in the manner that public infinites surrounded by nature context and private infinites are placed in between to pull people to public infinites. The crystalline development of nature and construction offer the smooth experience of inside and outside to appreciate the natural environment. Round courtyards are designed as shaded dining and diversion country at the same clip blended with verdant hills to the E and South, conveying nature into the spaces.Sea-facing swimming pools and H2O characteristics allocated towards Arabian Sea allows bird's-eye positions, creates the feeling of eternity pool. Green smooth-curvy roof is designed to synthesise the construction into contour of site, besides supplying better insularity and cut down heat addition. Due to the geographical status of Maharashtra Coastal, air current motions are different during twenty-four hours and dark, the land and sea zephyr. Design schemes have been carefully considered to to the full use the zephyr for both twenty-four hours and dark clip to air out the edifice. To acquire the maximal usage of sea zephyr during twenty-four hours clip, unfastened landscape and pools at the forepart of the resort, confronting towards Arabian Sea allows cool air to flux through the edifice. No constructions are built at the front lift to avoid any obstruction of air flow. Round unfastened dining courtyard at the dorsum of the edifice allows venturi consequence to air out the edifice efficaciously from forepart to back. On the other manus, land zephyr from hills draws into edifice throught the smooth curvey signifier of rooftop landscape into the courtyards and to better airing of interior infinites during dark clip. The maestro usage of nature airing has fulfilled its demand a s an Eco-resort.DiscussionAs Chris Lee travels a batch and educated in different cultural background since immature, he learnt that it is of import that architecture be at the same time relevant to its urban context, cultural and geographical status into his design. Together with the define of organic architecture of Wright, Chris Lee has demonstrated the 5th point of critical regionalism, civilization versus nature, follow cultural context and appreciate the natural environment together following modern architecture in most of his work design. In an statement of Chris Lee publication â€Å" Typological Urbanism† , he argue that â€Å"as metropoliss owe their chief characteristic to geographical and topographical conditions, and are ever linked to other metropoliss by trade and resources, they tend to specialise and organize a distinguishable character.† The usage of an advanced program in Aarvli Resort allows the creative activity of a edifice that is extremely respec tful of its sensitive natural context but that besides enjoys distinguishable spacial qualities that will do it a premium finish in the part ( Furuto, 2012 ) . Including the undertaking of Aarvli Resort that he adapted local civilization, he has lead his design squad, Serie Architect, in state of UK, India and China, planing non merely edifices and besides urban be aftering mentioning on the metropoliss characteristic and context. He ever make that his edifice are able to reflect the common architecture in a modern-day manner.â€Å"A metropolis is an accumulation of the accomplishments and battles of its citizens in reinforced signifier. This must be made seeable in an architecture that acts as an inclusive framework†described Chris Lee ( 2011 ) in his article â€Å"My sort of City† . He extremely appreciates the distinctive of the metropolis and translates the linguistic communication into his construction, stating the narrative of non merely the client, besides the n ature and metropolis, giving a perfect combination of these factors and linguistic communications in his work. As decision, Chris Lee theory of design is to interpret the common linguistic communication into his design and interpret it into a modern and modern-day manner of design at the same clip appreciate the typography as factor of his design. His design can be conclude that he has demonstrated the theory of civilization versus nature direct and indirectly with his ain definition of modern-day manner of design. 4.0 Mention Furuto, Alison. â€Å" Aarvli Resort / Serie Architects † 02 Nov 2012.ArchDaily. Accessed 18 Jun 2014. hypertext transfer protocol: // ? p=284569 Designboom ( 1999-2012 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Serie Architect. ( 2012 ) â€Å"Aarvli Estates† Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: hypertext transfer protocol: // Lee, C. ( June 2011 ) â€Å"My sort of city† . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? p=16420 Davies, Colin ( 2011 ) . Thinking about Architecture An Introduction to Architectural Theory. Laurence King Publishing, London. Jacoby, S. , & A ; Lee, C. M. ( 2011 ) .Typological urbanism: projective metropoliss / guest-edited by Christopher CM Lee and Sam Jacoby. Chichester: Wiley, 2011. Kate, N. 1997. Speculating a New Agenda for Architecture: An Anthology of Architectural Theory 1965-1995. Princeton Architectural Press. New York. Frampton, K. â€Å"Towards a critical regionalism: Six Points for An Architectural of Resistance† . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20in % 20Theory/Frampton.pdf Case Study of Architect Christopher Lee THEORIES OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM 1.0 Introduction Christopher Lee is an immigrant designer from Malaysia. He was born and raised in Taiping Perak. He graduated with AA Diplona ( honours ) from AA. Lee completed his Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture and Urbanism from the Berlage Institute and TU Delft. His favourite designers are Rem Koolhaas, Kazuo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. Chris Lee is the laminitis of SERIE ARCHITECTS based in London with his spouse Kapil Gupta. The house ‘s undertakings now span all over the universe with committees in India, China, Eastern Europe and United Kingdom. SERIE is known for their theoretical position that emphasizes the survey of edifice typologies and their development. The selected edifice to be discuss in this paper is Yan ZhenQing Museum which located in Linyi, Shandong Province, China. The museum is set on a hilly site with 8,265 square metre in Linyi. Yan ZhenQing was an of import calligraphist during eighth century who lived in Shandong Province in China. The museum house a aggregations of the calligraphist ‘s plants. In his calligraphic book has strong kernel of perpendicular element.The designer use the local civilization and the calligraphist ‘s character into the architecture. The purpose of this paper was to analyse the external contributing factors that affect in design schemes of the museum and its theories of architecture that applied in the design. The impact of clime, theories and societal civilization towards the edifice were investigated through a series of diagrams. 2.0 ANAYSIS 2.1 Climate Linyi has seasonal fluctuation clime with overheating hot, humid summer and underheating cold, dry winter. The clime affects constructing orientation, size and place of fenestration and facade stuffs. Yan ZhenQing Museum is placed on a series of three patios that rise somewhat above the topography that merged closely with the terrain of site. Each degree of patio contain marquees that placed following to each other along the terrain to minimise the E and west facade country in order to cut down the heat addition during the hot summer season. When the marquees are set following to each other, shaded countries are created between the passage infinites so the visitants feel more confidant with the environing landscape. At the exhibition marquees, the aggregations of artefacts are protected from direct sunshine. The solution is to make high ceiling with fanlights for the marquees to present natural daytime indirectly. The fanlights are unfastened up at the West like a paper tossing up from the surface. The daylight strength inside the edifice will alter throughout the twenty-four hours when the place of the Sun changed to enrich the poetic feeling in the museum. The marquees are largely cover up with solid wall with merely a few gaps. This is to forestall heat loss during the winter clip. The agreement of the marquees in a random mode like turn overing dies have high potency to capture more air current. Besides, it allows more air current to flux through the surrounding from multitude way. In comparing, edifice blocks that arranged in bunch mode restricted the air current to flux around the marquees. The marquees rise somewhat harmonizing to the topography besides helps to maximise the air current gaining control during summer as they did non blocked by opposite marquees. 2.2 SOCIAL CULTURE The interior layout of Yan ZhenQing Museum strongly reflects the ancient Chinese penmanship composing. The infinites were divided orderly into a grid mode even the orientation of the marquees do non emphasis on the orderly subject of the Chinese penmanship composing. Yan ZhenQing ‘s calligraphic book besides composed in a regular book. The designer wants to make a minimalist infinite with a simple layout to heighten the focal point on artefacts within a infinite. The exhibition hall can be define as a pure content and clear boundary line infinite with soft natural illuming from fanlight which allow the visitants to prosecute with the aggregations of art plants in a more poetic feeling. Furthermore, the reading subject of Chinese book besides influence the circulation of the museum. The Chinese books are read from right to go forth. So, the museum ‘s human circulation flow besides tour the visitants from the right to the left and across the marquees. The marquees were desi gned into a perfect square to reflect the Chinese regular book which is wrote in a regular column. The frontage of the marquees are fluted in a perpendicular manner to make a rhythmic form which similar to the calligraphic book perpendicular sequence. The form besides comparable to the traditional Chinese houses ceramic roofing tiles to offer a more cultural ambient to the museum. The spacial planning of the museum besides similar to the traditional Chinese Scholar ‘s Garden and Chinese Courtyard House which the most private infinites and cherished objects are ever placed at the deepest terminal of the edifice. In a bookman ‘s garden, an entryway hall for welcoming the visitants is the most public topographic point and following by several marquees and gardens before reach the heavenly hall. Celestial hall is a sacred topographic point that carry out ceremonial related to the sky or Eden. For the Chinese courtyard house, chief room was located at the deepest terminal of the house whereas the amah ‘s suites are placed at the. Yan ZhenQing museum besides apply the same rule by puting the artefacts at the last patio of marquees to tag it as the most of import topographic point in the museum. Ancient Chinese urban planning besides planned in a grid system and use same spacial planning. Imperial castle was placed at the in-between terminal of the metropolis and surrounded with the citizen with the separation of streets. In Yan ZhenQing museum, colonnade act as the threshold that connect the marquees and the gardens. In traditional bookman ‘s garden, marquees besides joint with colonnade to move as a threshold to link a infinite to another new infinite. The planning of the museum has adopted many local traditional civilization into the architecture. 2.3 Theory Critical regionalism provides architecture that meet the footings with modern and tradition. Chinese architecture has strong influenced by local civilisation particularly when planing museum. From the overview of Yan ZhenQing museum, particularly from the program of the undertaking, the construct of the museum someway similar to the traditional Chinese courtyard house. Traditional Chinese courtyard house had a front courtyard before come ining the secondary gate and a chief courtyard located in the center of the house to move as public infinite for the large unit. The courtyard becomes a infinite that nexus and keep the secondary infinites together as a whole construction. Yan ZhenQing museum has several courtyard gardens to emphasize the construct of local civilization. The courtyard gardens are set in between the marquees to work as public infinite for the visitants. The traditional courtyard house was walled to hold privateness and security intent. Yan ZhenQing Museum besides fram ed up by the long colonnades to give a clear boundary to the site. Yan ZhenQing Museum is nestled among the hills far off from the pandemonium of turning cities. In sing the harmonious of nature, the museum was designed in straightforward signifier to keep a cloistered quality, to intermix with the environing landscape. The marquees are rise somewhat following the terrain to do it look likes a portion of the landscape, set on the same plane with the terrain. The edifice ever has a clear boundary that lifts the edifice from the landscape to handle the edifice as a landscape and the feeling of walking along a garden way. Traditional monastery and garden besides nested far off from the bustle metropolis to accomplish a healing and brooding topographic point. Yan ZhenQing Museum besides has a great influence by modern architecture manner. The construct of the museum besides accent on the perpendicular and horizontal elements. The long colonnades that framed the marquees show a series of horizontal boxes from the program position. The extraneous form of the marquees has a really straightforward with its stuffs used with 90 grade at each borders. The marquees merely clad with ceramic tiles to convey out simpleness of the edifice that coherent with the echt aggregations of Yan ZhenQing calligraphic book which displayed in the marquees. Other than that, the intent of merely utilizing one stuff is to stand out the exhibit work instead than overpowering the infinite by the architecture. The frontages pattern mimicked the bold perpendicular shot of calligraphic book, and the roof line of the marquees and colonnades accent on light horizontal elements to equilibrate the nature. The frontage of the marquees are really simple and clear with its borders. Modern architecture stress on the simpleness of signifiers and extinguish unneeded item on the edifice. The combine of signifiers into beautiful wholes is one definition of architecture. ( Colin Davies,2011 ) . The museum was called as a whole constructing merely with including the courtyards and colonnades. The plans of the museum was collected by courtyards and colonnades. Visitors will travel through these courtyards both horizontally and vertically. The response and stores of the museum are located at the lowest patio, and the visitants will travel up to a patio with instruction and public installations, and make the exhibitions at the top degree. The colonnades serve as the chief circulation of the edifice and besides as a threshold for each marquees. When the visitants move along the colonnades, it show the horizontal circulation whereas when the visitants move from courtyard to courtyard, it is foregrounding on perpendicular motion. In another position, the museum is broke down into several blocks and arrange on different axes instead than a individual block like general museum. The gardens are enclosed within the asymmetrical infinites between the extraneous marquees, the program of the museum show the deconstructivism architecture. The fragment agreement leting the nature to contrast with architecture. The architecture of the museum is to show its withdrawal in the landscape and bordering the nature as a mention point on the site. The interior exhibition infinites besides divided into smaller extraneous infinites. When the marquees are shifted at different angle, the visitants come ining a new marquee from another marquee will experience new to the infinite as it is non a common agreement like the old one. Most of the exhibition suites are designed with high ceiling with fanlight, lit up the room with soft natural sunshine. The place of the interior sunshine beams besides varies. The in-between marquee has a b righter room if comparison to the another two next marquees. The fanlight of the in-between marquees are confronting straight to the eventide Sun. The design purpose is to offer the visitant a more broad screening of the work displayed with different angle of natural visible radiations and shadows. The overall scene of the marquees create a more poetic ambiance to the museum by deconstructivism architecture. 3.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The purpose of this paper is to analyse the factors that affect the architecture of Yan ZhenQing Museum. The clime of the site affects the design of the edifice in footings of edifice orientation and fenestration. Sunlight is the most critical impact that impacting the design of the edifice. Skylights are used alternatively of window due to the protection of the aggregations in the marquees. The museum in China might portion the same features with other edifice, but architect demands to understand the civilization of the local context, and use the construct suitably with grounds. Christopher Lee says, â€Å"That is, you take the most common and do them special.†